Sunday, July 6, 2014

July 6th 2014  Lesson 110

I am as God created me.

  • Intention:  To remember who we really are--the holy Son of God Himself.
  • Practice:  The first Five-minutes of every waking hour as best you can, and remember to repeat today's thought between each practice session.

  • Application: -- Begin with the following quote form the text:
    I am as God created me.  His Son can suffer nothing.  And I am His Son.
    Then thinking of this statement, try to discover in your mind the Self Who is the holy Son of God, the Christ in you, the Savior Who has the power to save whoever touches Him.  You are as God created you.  Today honor your Self.  Deep in your mind the holy Christ in you is waiting your acknowledgment as you, and while He remains unacknowledged and unknown to you, you remain lost and do not know yourself. 
    Seek Him today, and find Him. He will be your Savior from all idols you have made, for when you find Him, you will understand how worthless are your idols, and how false the images which you believed were you.  Today we make a great advance to truth by letting idols go, and opening our hands and hearts and minds to God.
    We will remember Him throughout the day with thankful hearts and loving thoughts, for all who meet with us today will serve to remind us of Him, the Christ in each of us, as we say:

    I am as God created me.
    Let us declare this truth as often as we can.  This is the Word of God that sets you free.  This is the key that opens up the gate of Heaven, and that lets you enter in the peace of God and His eternity.

  • God cannot change, for that implies there is something that God currently is not, and that by some process of change He can, perhaps, become that thing.  If there is something that God is not, it means that God is not perfect, not all-might, all-knowing, or all-present, i.e., incomplete and therefore limited.  The supposition means that God is not God, for by definition God is all encompassing.
  • One may argue that if God is all encompassing then sin and all that we consider to be "bad" or negative is also a part of God.  This is an important query, for it raises the question of which is true and which false:  God's knowledge or our perception of things.   If one is true the other must be false.  First, we know empirically that 'one person's meat is another person's poison' so there is no absolute criteria for what we consider to be "bad".  Second, and more importantly, we recognize the limits of our perception and the fact that we do not discern the complete workings of the universe and cannot, from our limited perspective, experience, and skill, rightly judge the "goodness" or "badness" of anything.  Third, empirical knowledge shows that "bad" things often lead to "good" thereby contradicting our thinking that bad things lead to bad, and good to good.  This is enough to disqualify our ideas of good and bad are inconsistent and illusory. The conclusion then is that God is all encompassing, and there is no sin. 
    If God is omnipresent, and all-good, then sin and anything "bad" cannot exist.  If "bad" things exist, then God cannot exist.  Only one of these statements can be true, and clearly to our great benefit, it is the former, not the latter.

I and my Creator are One.  *:)

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