July 12th 2014 Review III
Lesson 116
- Intention: To review two thoughts each the day
- Practice:
Devote the first and the last Five-minutes of the waking day
reviewing the ideas for the day. In addition repeat one thought on the
hour and the other on the half-hour during the day.
- Application:
-- For the two five-minute sessions, read over the ideas and comments
given for each day's exercises. Think about them while letting your
mind relate them to your needs, your seeming problems and all your
concerns. Give the ideas to your mind and let it use them as it
chooses. Have faith that your mind will use them wisely, being helped
by the One Who gave the thoughts to you. Give direction at the onset;
then lean back in quiet faith, and let the mind employ the thoughts you
gave as they were given.
- Application: -- For the hourly and half-hourly exercises, Repeat one thought on the hour and the other one half an hour later and allow your mind to rest for a minute or two
in silence and in peace. Then return to your day but try to keep the
thought with you, and let it serve to hep you keep your peace throughout
the day as well.
These practice periods are planned to help you form the habit of
applying what you learn each day to everything you do, so use the
thoughts and they will serve you in all ways, times, places, and
situations. Take them with you in the business of the day and make them
For morning and evening five-minute reviews
(101) God's Will for me is perfect happiness.God's Will is perfect happiness for me. And I can suffer but from the belief there is another will apart from His.
(102) I share God's Will for happiness for me.
I share my Father's Will for me, His Son. What He has given me is all I want. What He has given me is all there is.
For one-minute practice:On the hour:
God's Will for me is perfect happiness.
On the half hour:
I share God's Will for happiness for me.
- The one thing that everyone wants is happiness, and perfect happiness is an ideal we all aspire to. So if we do not believe that God also shares this will with us, then we must be thinking that there is another way to attain perfect happiness. But should we not consider the feasibility of another plan with respect to God's plan, for if His plan cannot guarantee happiness, then what plan could, and if happiness is not His will for us, then no other will can achieve this goal, for nothing can oppose the will of God. Remember also that if perfect happiness is indeed His will for us, then nothing can oppose what He wills for us
. - Is it not wiser then to accept our part in the common will we share with God for our perfect happiness, and gladly give, sooner rather than later, the little willingness essential to God's plan that would save us from much pain and suffering? It would be both foolish and unwise not to, so let us choose the way of wisdom. .
I and my Creator are One. 

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