July 29th 2014 Lesson 133
I will not value what is valueless.
- Intention: To remember and use the real criteria for testing all things you think you want: First, there are always only two choices, regardless of how many there appear to be, and there is no compromise in what each choice brings, i.e. everything or nothing. Choosing thus become simple, for all you need do is decide which choice will bring you everything.
- Practice:
Spend fifteen minutes twice today in restful alertness. In
addition, take a moment hourly to lay aside all other thoughts and remember today's thought.
- Application:
-- Begin with the thought for today in the following form:
I will not value what is valueless, and only what has value do I seek,
for only that do I desire to find.
Then merely rest, with an open and alert mind, ready to receive what waits for everyone who reaches the gate of heaven unencumbered. Come with nothing and find everything and claim it as your own. Lay aside all self-deception and come with an honest willingness to value what is truly valuable and real.
Throughout the day, if you begin to let yourself collect some needless burdens, or believe you see some difficult decisions facing you, be quick to answer it with this simple thought:
I will not value what is valueless, for what is valuable belongs to me.
- Our ability to choose depends upon two things, first our ability to distinguish between what is real and what is unreal, and second, the understanding that what is real is valuable because it brings fulfillment to all we want, and what is unreal gives us nothing of what we want. To identify what is real from what is unreal use the following criteria: First, what is real is eternal, second choosing it causes no one a sense of loss, and third choosing it produces no guilt within us.
What in this physical world can satisfy this criteria of real value? The answer is nothing! Nothing here is of real value, because nothing here is eternal. Everything in this world is in constant flux, always changing, dieing and being born, even space and time. Further, nothing here can be given/received without loss to someone who now no longer has that particular thing. We take from Peter to pay Paul, and now Peter is without. (thoughts are the single exception to this rule but thoughts are mental.) Lastly, nothing here can be given/received without producing some feeling of guilt within us because it is a place of limits and limitations. Sometimes the guilt is small, but it is there nonetheless.
This is the situation in the world we made, but not in God's world, where all is eternal and unified, so when something is given, all is given and there can be no sense of loss or guilt. This is why God's world is valuable and our world is valueless. Now that we understand real value and no value, anything in our world that points to or leads us to God's world is valuable, and everything in our world can serve that purpose. So the criteria for the value of a thing in our world is whether or not its purpose is to point or lead us to God. That is the only real basis for deciding what the value of anything in our world.
I and my Creator are One. 

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