July 28th 2014 Lesson 132
I loose the world from all I thought it was.
- Intention: To free the world from all the idle thoughts we ever held about it, and about all living things we see upon it. They can not be there. No more can we. For we are in the home our Father set for us, along with them. And we who are as He created us would loose the world this day from every one of our illusions, that we may be free.
- Practice:
Spend fifteen minutes twice today in restful alertness. In
addition, take a moment hourly to lay aside all other thoughts and remember the thought for today.
- Application:
-- Begin with the thought for today in the following form:
I who remain as God created me would loose the world from all I thought it was. For I am real because the world is not, and I would know my own reality.
Then merely rest, alert but with no strain, and let your mind in quietness be changed so that the world is freed, along with you. You need not realize that healing comes to many brothers far across the world, as well as to the ones you see nearby, as you send out these thoughts to bless the world. But you will sense your own release, although you may not fully understand as yet that you could never be released alone.
Throughout the day, increase the freedom sent through your ideas to all the world, and say whenever you are tempted to deny the power of your simple change of mind:
I loose the world from all I thought it was, and choose my own reality instead.
- There is no world apart from the world that God created, which is the only world that really exists. The world we hold in our minds therefore can only be a dream world. God created us in His own image and we remain as He created us. We can neither undo or change His creation in any way, for that would inply that we are superior to Him. So we must ask ourselves: Would God create the world of pain and suffering that we see? Certainly not! And if He created it not, then it cannot be real and must be merely and only an illusion that we made. The implication is that if we made it through our thoughts, then we can unmake it by changing our thoughts about it. If we believe the world is in bondage, we can imagine it to be free; and it must be so.
- This is our power as children of God, that we can change our minds and the whole world we made is changed. This is not a mystery to us, for we do this quite naturally every time we have a dream. All the people, places, settings, and circumstances that appear in our dreams, we created in the blink of an eye. And furthermore we fall into a dream state in which we forget that we created the dream and so begin to experience it as if it is real. In this dream state, we do not doubt the reality of what we perceive in our dreams; the illusion becomes real to us. This is how it is with the world, for no other explanation that suffices for our experience of a world full of pain and suffering.
- To know that we are as God created us and that we cannot be otherwise is to know that the world we see is not real, and this is our salvation, for all we need to change the world, is to change our thoughts about it.
I and my Creator are One. 

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