July 18th 2014 Lesson 122
Forgiveness offers everything I want.
- Intention: To practice learning how to give and receive forgiveness.
- Practice: Fifteen-minutes in the morning and fifteen-minutes at night we devote to remembering the gifts of forgiveness. In addition, we will remind ourselves every fifteen minutes of today's thought in the form highlighted below.
- Application:
-- Begin the longer practice periods in hopefulness, for we have reached the turning point at which the road becomes far easier. We are close indeed to the appointed ending of the dream. Feel the peace forgiveness offers, and the joy the lifting of the veil holds out to you. Forgiveness offers everything you want. Today all things are given you. Let not your gifts recede as you meet a world of shifting change and bleek appearances. Remember your gifts in clear awareness as you see the changeless in the heart of change; the light of truth behind appearances.
Every fifteen minutes throughout the day, remind yourself yourself:
Forgiveness offers everything I want.
Today I have accepted this as true,
Today I have received the gifts of God.
Forgive yourself;
for all the things you did or didn’t do; that you thought you should or shouldn’t give yourself a break; let yourself off the hook;
give yourself the chance to make corrections,
and allow that higher power (Creator) within you
to guide you in this ongoing process of recreating yourself.
And forgive another
Let them off the hook, give them the chance to make corrections.
Know that everyone without exception is doing the best they can, and
know that everyone without exception is suffering in some way.
And Forgive everyone everything!
Let go of the need to blame or to punish,
Let go of the need to be right and for another to be wrong.
Let go of guilt and shame.
Let go of all of that, and rejoice in your uniqueness.
In all of creation, there’s only one of you.
This means that you are special and valuable beyond measure,
but it also means that everyone else is special and valuable too.
Though we come from and share the same Source,
we are all special and valuable in our own ways.
Remember that you are loved and cared for —
Life loves you; Life cares for you; Life values you, always!
All of life benefits from your presence, from your experience!
Remember that everyday is another opportunity to
express the Divinity within you.
Be kind to yourself and good; be kind and good to others as well.
for all the things you did or didn’t do; that you thought you should or shouldn’t give yourself a break; let yourself off the hook;
give yourself the chance to make corrections,
and allow that higher power (Creator) within you
to guide you in this ongoing process of recreating yourself.
And forgive another
Let them off the hook, give them the chance to make corrections.
Know that everyone without exception is doing the best they can, and
know that everyone without exception is suffering in some way.
And Forgive everyone everything!
Let go of the need to blame or to punish,
Let go of the need to be right and for another to be wrong.
Let go of guilt and shame.
Let go of all of that, and rejoice in your uniqueness.
In all of creation, there’s only one of you.
This means that you are special and valuable beyond measure,
but it also means that everyone else is special and valuable too.
Though we come from and share the same Source,
we are all special and valuable in our own ways.
Remember that you are loved and cared for —
Life loves you; Life cares for you; Life values you, always!
All of life benefits from your presence, from your experience!
Remember that everyday is another opportunity to
express the Divinity within you.
Be kind to yourself and good; be kind and good to others as well.
I and my Creator are One. 

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