July 21st 2014 Lesson 125
In quiet I receive God's Word today.
- Intention: To be still and hear the Word of God.
- Practice:
Three 10-minute practice sessions are recommended today to be spent in silent listening for the Word of God. In addition, as each hour of the day passes, spend a moment reminding yourself that your purpose for today is to receive God's Word in quiet.
- Application:
-- In stillness we will hear God's Voice today without intrusion of our petty thoughts, personal desires, or the judgments. Today we will not listen to the world, but wait in silence for the Word of God. We gather at the throne of God today, the holy quiet place within the mind where He abides forever. Today God awaits our silence, for His Word can not be heard until our mind is quiet for a while, and meaningless desires have been stilled. There is peace within us to be called upon today, to help make ready our most holy mind to hear the Voice for its Creator speak.
- God's Word is always available to us because it is forever established in our minds, but it is far easier to hear His Word in silence than it is to hear it amid the noisy distractions of the world. So come to that quiet place by simply letting the noise of the world be as it is, and allow your attention to relax deeper and deeper into the still silence within your mind. And there, in that silence, listen. Just listen, and receive the Word of God.
I and my Creator are One. 

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