July 24th 2014 Lesson 128
The world I see holds nothing that I want.
- Intention: To practice letting go of all thoughts that speak of value in the world I see.
- Practice:
Spend ten minutes three times today in silence. Pause and be still a little while, and let your mind rest in the peace of silence.
In addition, throughout the day, when you think you see some value in an aspect or an image of the world, refuse to lay this chain upon your mind. but tell yourself with quiet certainty:
This will not tempt me to delay myself.
The world I see holds nothing that I want. - Application:
-- In the silence, let go of all you think of as valuable in the world. Let the stillness and peacefulness of the silence fill your mind. Let go of all thoughts of value that you have given to the world and the things in it. The world you see holds nothing that you need and offers you nothing of value; nothing that you can use in any way, nor anything at all that serves to give you joy. Believe this thought, and you are saved from years of misery, from countless disappointments, and from hopes that turn to bitter ashes of despair. Everyone must accept this thought as true if he would leave the world behind and soar beyond its petty scope and little ways.
Each thing you value here is but a chain that binds you to the world, and it will serve no other end but this. The only purpose this world contains that is worthy of your mind, is for you to pass it by without delay. It is the only way we can make room for what is true and lasting.
- God created you perfect. There is nothing that you can add to yourself that will make you more perfect. And all things that you seek to make your value greater in your sight limit you further by hiding your your true worth from you. Not recognizing your true value, you seek for things outside of you to increase your worth, but all this does is hide you further away from your true Self. You are as God created you, perfect, spirit, and free. You lack nothing and so you need nothing to be what you already are.
The way back from the state of lack is to let go of all that we think valuable in this world, and open our minds to the fulness that God created us to be, and as we are.
I and my Creator are One. 

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