July 2nd 2014 Lesson 107
The truth will correct all errors in my mind.
- Intention: To remember that the truth will set us free of all illusions.
- Practice: The first Five-minutes of every waking hour as best you can, and remember to repeat today's thought between each practice session.
- Application: -- Begin with today's thought in the following form:
Truth will correct all errors in my mind,And I will rest in Him Who is my Self.
The truth as established by God is the antidote to the illusions of the world, which quickly disappear when truth is realized. We are not made of flesh and blood and bone, but were created by the selfsame Thought that created us Spirit, perfect, and free. We have mistakenly forsaken the eternal oneness of our Higher Self for the temporal variety of our ego self. Fortunately our Higher Self has not forsaken us, but welcomes us whenever we choose to spend some time with Him in silence and in truth. Let us be with Him and He will gently lead us to the truth, which will envelop us and give us a peace so deep and tranquil that we will return to the familiar world reluctantly.
Remember to be with your higher Self as often as possible today, returning to the world each time more and more grounded in the truth we experience with Him. This is our function today, to let truth correct the errors in our minds, and set free the world, as we are set free.
- Errors are merely illusions that remain unrecognized for what they are. Like dreams, they appear real to the mind asleep, but are far from truth, and are only recognized for what they are upon our awakening. This is the nature of errors, they seem real and we, believing them to be, interact and function as though they are real. We are not sinful for our beliefs, we are simply in error, and this is what truth corrects by its presence. In the light of truth, we awaken and now see clearly what is real and what is not.
- What is our state of mind without illusions? Remember when in your meditations or at other times, when perhaps for a minute or maybe even less, when the silence was complete and nothing came to interrupt your peace; when you were certain you were loved and safe and free. Now picture what it would be like to have that moment be extended to the end of time and to eternity. Now you have a hint, not more than just the faintest intimation of the state you mind will rest in when the truth has come.
- Without illusions there could be no fear, no doubt, and no attack. When truth has come all pain is over, for there is no room for transitory thoughts and dead ideas to linger in your mind. Truth occupies your mind completely, liberating you from all beliefs in the ephemeral.
I and my Creator are One. 

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