July 25th 2014 Lesson 129
Beyond this world is a world I want.
- Intention: To practice opening my awareness to the world I do want, that lies beyond the world I see.
- Practice:
Spend ten minutes three times today in silence. In
addition, take a moment hourly to lay aside all other thoughts and remember the thought for today.
- Application:
-- Begin with the thought for today in the form highlighted below. Then close your eyes upon the world you see, and in the silent darkness watch the lights that are not of this world light one by one, until where one begins and another ends loses all meaning as they blend in one. Beyond this world there is a world I want.
I choose to see that world instead of this,
for here is nothing that I really want.
And for your hourly practice, confirm you choice for the world beyond the world your eyes see, by dwelling briefly only upon this:The world I see holds nothing that I want.
Beyond this world there is a world I want.
- Knowing that there is another world beyond the world my eyes see, gives me hope. I can reach that world by giving up my attachment to this word, by letting go of the things I think are valuable here. One might argue that I'm familiar with this world, why risk the little joy I have here for one that I know not of?. Two answers: First, we know for sure that this world is full of pain and misery, so why would one choose to stay here if there is the slightest possibility that there is a better world. Second, the One Who is guiding us to this better world is none other that the all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-present God, who above all else has our best interests at heart. Is it not both foolish and unwise not to follow His infallible instructions and quickly go to that world where peace and love are eternally guaranteed? And furthermore, we all must leave this world at some point anyway. We are only visitors here, and if our stay is not a pleasant one, why stay. Are these not reasonable reasons to leave?
- We have an addiction to the things we are accustomed to, even to the pain and suffering, so we must view our hesitation to go to the world beyond our perception in the same way we view the hesitation of an addict to let go of his addiction. The solution that Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) suggests is a good one, it is the principle of the second element. In order to affect the first element, introduce a second element, as opposed to trying to investigate and solve the problem only with respect to the first element. Or as Einstein stated, "... we cannot solve a problem on the level on which it was created." i.e., we must think outside the box, we must introduce a second element. This second element of which I speak is non other than the Divine. God's World is certainly quite different from our world, and so it is a fitting second element to solve the problems of our world. The way to God's world is two-fold: we must hold with value beyond measure the vision of God's world while simultaneously detaching value from the world we perceive.
- When we can believe and say with complete honesty that "the world I see holds nothing that I want," then will we awake to God's world of peace and eternal happiness.
I and my Creator are One. 

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