July 20th 2014 Lesson 124
Let me remember I am one with God.
- Intention: To practice being aware that I am one with God and therefore perfect.
- Practice: Spend half an hour sometime today, whenever it seems best, in remembrance of your oneness with God. In addition, we will remind
ourselves of our oneness with God by repeating today's thought every
waking hour in the following form:
Let me remember I am one with God,
at one with all my brothers and my Self,
in everlasting holiness and peace. - Application:
-- Today let us be thankful and realize what a great blessing it is to be one with God. Being one with God means that we are safe and protected in all we do; that power and strength is available to us in all or undertakings; that we can fail in nothing. Everything we touch takes on a shining light that blesses and that heals. At one with God and with the universe we go our way rejoicing with the thought that God Himself goes with everywhere with us.
Let us not doubt God's Love for us, nor his presence, protection and care. Let us have faith in our awareness of His presence and feel it in our hearts and minds. No meaningless anxieties can come between our faith and our awareness of God's presence. We feel Him in our hearts. Our minds contain His Thoughts; our eyes behold His loveliness in all we look upon. Today we see only the loving and the lovable. We see it in appearances of pain, and pain gives way to peace. We see it in the frantic, in the sad and distressed, the lonely and afraid, who are restored to the tranquility and peace of mind in which they were created. And we see it in the dying and the dead as well, restoring them to life. All this we see because we saw it first within ourselves.
No miracle can ever be denied to those who know that they are one with God. No thought of theirs but has the power to heal all forms of suffering in anyone, in times gone by and times as yet to come, as easily as in the ones who walk beside them now. Their thoughts are timeless, and apart from distance as apart from time. We join in this awareness as we say that we are one with God. For in these words we say as well that we are saved and healed; that we can save and heal accordingly.
- This one insight is our salvation. if we had faith the size of a mustard seed we could move mountains, what to say of healing the sick and raising the dead or of any miracle we can imagine. The Lord God is with us means that nothing is impossible for us. This is our true reality; it is what we are, and what we can express if we have but little faith. This is all we need, so let us practice saying it often, very often, so that we are always aware of it, and remember it especially in times of worry, or concern.
I and my Creator are One. 

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