July 27th 2014 Lesson 131
No one can fail who seeks to reach the truth.
- Intention: To open the door to the world I do want that lies beneath the world I think is real.
- Practice:
Spend ten minutes three times today in silence. In
addition, take a moment hourly to lay aside all other thoughts and remember the thought for today.
- Application:
-- Begin with the thought for today in the form highlighted below. We ask to see the rising of the real world to replace the foolish images that we hold dear. We begin with this thought:
I ask to see a different world, and think a different kind of thought
from those I made. The world I seek I did not make alone,
the thoughts I want to think are not my own.
For several minutes watch you mind and see, although your eyes are closed, the senseless world you think is real. Review the thoughts as well which are compatible with such a world, and which you think are true. Then let them go, and sink below them to the holy place where they can enter not. Their is a door beneath them in your mind, which you could not completely lock to hide what lies beyond. Seek for that door and find it. But before you try to open it, remind yourself that no one can fail who seeks to reach the truth. And it is this request you make today. You want only what is behind this door.
Put out your hand, and see how easily the door swings open with your one intent to go beyond it. Angels light the way, so that all darkness vanishes, and you are standing in a light so bright and clear that you can understand all things you see. A tiny moment of surprise, perhaps, will make you pause before you realize the world you see before you in the light reflects the truth you know, and did not quite forget in wandering away in dreams
You cannot fail today. There walks with you the Spirit Heaven sent you, that you might approach this door some day, and through His aid slip effortlessly past it, to the light. Today that day has come. Today God keeps His ancient promise to His holy Son, as does His Son remember his to Him. This is a day of gladness, for we come to the appointed time and place where you will find the goal of all your searching.
Remember often that today should be a time of special gladness, and refrain from dismal thoughts and meaningless laments. Salvation's time has come. Today is set by Heaven itself to be a time of grace for you and for the world. If you forget this happy fact, remind yourself with this:Today I seek and find all that I want.
My single purpose offers it to me.
No one can fail who seeks to reach the truth.
- Ask and it shall be given; Seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened onto you. These are the words that show us how to enter Heaven. It is not difficult, but we must want it above all else.
I and my Creator are One. 

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