July 5th 2014 Lesson 109
I rest in God.
- Intention: To rest in the eternal peace of God and offer this rest to everyone.
- Practice: The first Five-minutes of every waking hour as best you can, and remember to repeat today's thought between each practice session.
- Application: -- Begin with today's thought:I rest in GodThen close your eyes, and for five minutes and let this thought bring to you the rest and quiet, peace, stillness, and the safety and happiness you seek. Let it carry you through storms and strife, past misery and pain, past loss and death, and onward to the certainty of God. There is no suffering it cannot heal; no problem it cannot solve; and no illusion that it cannot turn to truth for you who rest in God.
Amid the turmoils and illusions of the world rest in the peace of God, and call to all to join you in your rest. They will hear and come to you, because you rest in God and gave your voice to Him to let Him speak through you. In Him you have no cares and no concerns, no burdens, no anxiety, no pain, no fear of future and no past regrets. In timelessness you rest, while time goes by without its touch upon you, for your rest in God can never change in any way at all. No more frantic fantasies or fearful dreams will come, now that you rest in God.
Each hour that you take your rest today, a tired mind is suddenly made lad, a bird with broken wings begins to sing, a stream long dry begins to flow again. The wrold is born again each time you rest, and hourly remember that you came to bring the peace of God into the wrold, that it might take its rest along with you.
- To rest is more important than to act, even thought it is action that accomplishes things in the world, it could not do this without rest--the better the rest, the better the quality of our action, so rest therefore is the foundation or basis of activity, and for that reason it is more important. We can rest without acting, but action becomes increasingly difficult without rest, so do give resting the value it deserves, as the support and facilitator of action.
- We were created by God, who is present everywhere in space and time, so we can never not be with Him, and it is only in Him who is every-where and every-when that we can find rest that is peaceful and timeless. We are one with Him who is everywhere, and so there is no real obstacle to our rest, for it is everywhere we are. We need only bring our attention away from the turmoil of the world to the inner peace that is boundless and timeless, for that is where we are. It is only more apparent when we consciously rest in God.
I and my Creator are One. 

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