August 4th 2014 Lesson 139
I will accept Atonement for myself.
- Intention: To accept Atonement, the reality that I am as God created me.
- Practice:
Spend five minutes twice today as we awake, and just before going to
sleep to dedicate our minds to our assignment for today. In
addition, repeat your dedication to our cause as every waking hour passes by.
- Application:
-- We start with this review of what our mission is:
I will accept Atonement for myself,for I remain as God created me.
We have not lost the knowledge that God gave to us when He created us like Him. We can remember it for everyone, for in creation are all minds as one. And in our memory is the recollection of how dear our brothers are to us in truth, how much a part of us is every mind, how faithful they have really been to us, and how our Father's Love contains them all.
In thanks for all creation, in the Name of its Creator and His Oneness with all aspects of creation, we repeat our dedication to our cause today each hour, as we lay aside all thoughts that would distract us from our holy aim. For several minutes let your mind be cleared of all the foolish cobwebs which the world would weave around the holy Son of God. And learn the fragile nature of the chains that seem to keep the knowledge of yourself apart from your awareness, as you say:
I will accept Atonement for myself,
for I remain as God created me.
- Atonement is the acceptance of the truth about who we are--we are as God created us, period! To ignore, not accept, or deny this truth is the beginning of insanity, but to accept it is the path to Heaven. That I am a holy child of God is my lineage, association, and connection to God. It cannot be otherwise, so it is self-evident. We hold this single truth to be self-evident, that we are all created equal, that we are endowed by our one Creator with certain unalienable rights, that chief among these is our likeness to our Creator: We are as God created us as Spirit, Perfect, and Free!
Appearances to the contrary, this is what we are, and the Atonement is our dedication to ignore what we perceive and hold fast to what we know to be true and which cannot be denied. We see the Sun rise in the East, travel through the sky and set in the West. This is our perception but we must remember that it is only an effect caused by the rotation of the Earth on its axis. Like that, our perceptions are effects caused by our dreaming. To awaken is to know the truth, and recognize the effects for what they are. The appearance of separation is also an effect of our dreaming, for God is one, and oneness has no room for separation so it cannot be real. Let us not be fooled into thinking that the effects are real, for then we become self deluded. We are all one despite the appearance of many. This is the memory of the at-one-ment.
I and my Creator are One. 

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