August 18th 2014 Lesson 153
In my defenselessness my safety lies.
- Intention: To remember that defenselessness is strength because it testifies to the recognition of the Christ in you, and defensiveness is weakness for it proclaims you have denied the Christ in you.
- Practice:
Spend thirty minutes twice today as we awake, and just before going to
sleep to lay aside all our interfering thoughts as one and listen to the God's Voice within us. In
addition, we will say our prayer for healing hourly, and take a minute or more as the hour strikes, to hear the answer to our prayer.
- Application:
-- We practice in silence today, giving our attention to the daily thought as long as possible. We spend this time with God, remembering that it is in Him our strength lies, and not in our illusions of defenses. We will remind ourselves that He remains besides us throughout the day, and never leaves our weakness unsupported by His strength. He is our support and we call upon His strength each time we feel the threat of our defenses undermine our certainty of purpose. We will pause a moment, as He tells us, " I am here."
And we will hourly remember Him Who is salvation and deliverance. We will observe our trust as ministers of God, in hourly remembrance of our mission and His love. And we will quietly sit by and wait on Him and listen to His Voice and learn what He would have us do the hour that is yet to come; while thanking Him for all the gifts He gave us in the one gone by. In time, with practice, you will never cease to think of Him, and hear His loving Voice guiding your footsteps into quiet ways, where you will walk in true defenselessness. For you will know that Heaven goes with you.
- The world we see provides no safety, for its illusions are constantly changing. How can we find safety in a changing world? What defense but another illusion, could defend against the illusions we feel we need defense against. God did not create us weak; He created us strong and invulnerable. We have no need of defenses. This is the realization that is salvation: We are as God created us, perfect, Spirit, free. Defenses imply weakness, and can only arise in a mind that has forgotten its true identity. Remember who Created you and what He created you to be, and you will know you need no defenses for the Source of strength is in you.
I and my Creator are One. 

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