August 30th 2014 Lesson 165
Let not my mind deny the Thought of God.
- Intention: To remember that God is always with us, we are part of Him and reside always with Him safely in Heaven.
- Practice: Spend
thirty minutes twice today as we awake, and just before going to sleep
to lay aside our limited understanding of things and let the sight of
Christ come into our awareness. In addition let us remember the Thought of God every hour of the day; remember that it protects us, cares for us, makes soft our resting place and smooth our way, lighting our mind with happiness and love.
- Application:
-- Look with the
eyes of Christ past the forms and sounds of the world, past time
and onto eternity. Deny not Heaven. It is yours today, but for the asking. Ask to receive, and it is given you. You need not perceive how great the gift of Heaven is, nor how changed you mind will be before it comes to you. Still, ask with desire, even in your uncertainty for sureness is not required to receive what only your acceptance can bestow. When you have received you will be sure you have the treasure you have always sought.
Having received the gift of Heaven, what would you then exchange for it? What would induce you not to let it fade away from your ecstatic vision? For this sight proves that you have exchanged your blindness for the seeing eyes of Christ; your mind has come to lay aside denial, and accept the Thought of God as your inheritance. Now is all doubting past, the journey's end made certain, and salvation given you. Now is Christ's power in your mind, to heal as you were healed. For now you are among the saviors of the world. Your destiny lies there and nowhere else .
Practice today in hope. For hope indeed is justified. Your doubts are meaningless, for God is certain. We count on God, and not upon ourselves to give us certainty.
- We are a thought in the mind of God, and thoughts leave not their source. This is a point we are often called to remember, for it is the basis for understanding who we truly are. We are forever in God's mind so our safety is guaranteed, we cannot be hurt or injured in any way, and death is as meaningless to us as it is to God. We are always at home with God, yet we dream the illusion of being bodies living in constant fear in a world that is seemingly full of danger, and the thought of death in one form or another is never far away from us. We cherish the little tiny treasures we find here and there, and pacify our fears with temporary joys and transient peace. Yet all the while, we reside in Heaven and in the mind of our Creator. But for the habit of believing these illusions to be real, we would know that we are already at home with God, that we are perfect, Spirit, and free. Our goal therefore is simply to replace our denial of the Thought of God with its acceptance, by remembering it often. Regular repetition of thoughts of denial keep us in misery, but it is also regular repetition of the Thought of God that will free us from our illusions. .
I and my Creator are One. 

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