August 23rd 2014 Lesson 158
Today I learn to give as I receive.
- Intention: To remember to see no one as a body; greet everyone as a child of God, acknowledging the he is one with you in holiness.
- Practice:
Spend thirty minutes twice today as we awake, and just before going to
sleep to lay aside all our interfering thoughts as one and listen to the God's Voice within us. In
addition, we will say our prayer for healing hourly, reminding us that we share His holiness and light within us.
- Application:
-- Today we practice giving as we received. We received from our Creator that we are one with Him, that we are minds in God's Mind and purely minds (as opposed to bodies,) sinless forever, wholly unafraid, because we were created out of love. And we have not left our Source, remaining as we were created. This is the eternal knowledge every child of God received, and only by this knowledge do we live. It is by this knowledge that the oneness of the Father and the Son will come to every mind in time. This we cannot give for it has been received already by every mind. But what we can learn to give is Christ's vision that sees no separation.
Christ's vision does not look upon a body, and mistake it for a child of God. It beholds a light beyond the body; an idea beyond what can be touched, a purity undimmed by errors, pitiful mistakes, and fearful thoughts of guilt from dreams of sin. Christ's vision sees no separation. It looks on everyone, on every circumstance, all happenings and all events without the slightest fading of the light it sees. This we can learn to give and it must be given by all who would achieve it.
See no one as a body. Greet everyone as the Son of God he is, acknowledging that he is one with you in holiness. Thus are his sins forgiven him, for Christ's vision has the power to overlook them all. It matters not what form they took, nor how enormous they appeared to be, nor who seemed to be hurt by them. They are no more. And all effects they seemed to have are gone with them, undone and never to be done.
Thus do we learn to give as we received. This lesson is easy if we remember that in our brother we but see ourselves. If he appears lost in sin, so must you be; if you see light in him, your sins have been forgiven by yourself. Each brother whom you meet today provides another chance to let Christ's vision shine on you, and offer you the peace of God. We practice seeing with the eyes of Christ today. And by the holy gifts we give, Christ's vision looks upon ourselves as well.
- Today's lesson is easy for us to apply to those with whom we have an affinity or even to those with whom we are neutral or indifferent, but it will take some focus to apply it with those we perceive as enemies, guilty of some “sin.” Here then is the challenge, for if we can look at our enemies with Christ's vision, it means that our sins have been forgiven, for what we see in them mirrors the guilt within us; some sin we hide by projecting it onto others. This is our work, today and for all days to remember that as we condemn another we condemn ourselves and as we bless another we bless ourselves. Thus do we learn to give as we receive.
I and my Creator are One. 

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