August 16th 2014 Lesson 151
All things are echoes of the Voice for God.
- Intention: To remember that salvation rests in God alone, and not in the ways of the world, its perceptions and its judgments. God alone knows our perfection, for He alone is our Creator. Let us then awaken to His Voice alone.
- Practice:
Spend fifteen minutes twice today as we awake, and just before going to
sleep to lay aside all our interfering thoughts as one and listen to the God's Voice within us. In
addition, we will say our prayer for healing hourly, and take a minute as the hour strikes, to hear the answer to our prayer.
- Application:
-- We practice wordlessly today, except in the beginning of the time we spend with God. We introduce these times with but a single, slow repeating of the thought with which the day begins. And then we watch our thoughts, appealing silently to Him Who sees the elements of truth in them. Let Him evaluate each thought that comes to mind, remove the elements of dreams, and give them back again as clean ideas that do not contradict the Will of God.
All things are echoes of the Voice for God.
We will give Him our thoughts, and He will give them back as miracles which joyously proclaim the wholeness and the happiness God wills His Son, as proof of His eternal Love. And as each thought is transformed, it takes on healing power from the Mind which saw the truth in it, and failed to be deceived by what was falsely added. All the threads of fantasy are gone. And what remains is unified into a perfect Thought that offers its perfection everywhere. Your ministry begins as all your thoughts are purified, and through your transfiguration is the world redeemed, and joyfully released from guilt. Now do we lift our resurrected minds in gladness and in gratitude to Him Who has restored our sanity to us.
And we will hourly remember Him Who is salvation and deliverance. As we give thanks, the world unites with us and happily accepts our holy thoughts, which Heaven has corrected and made pure. Now has our ministry begun at last, to carry round the world the joyous news that truth has no illusions, and the peace of God, through us, belongs to everyone.
- The ways of the world has convinced us that we are not as God created us, perfect, Spirit, and free. The world has convinced us that pain and suffering are real and that death awaits us all at the end. Yet this is but a clever illusion made by us to hide the guilt we imagine abides in us for wanting something other than the eternal peace and happiness that God provides. As the story of Adam and Eve eludes to, we feel guilty for having disobeyed God's Will and thus must suffer banishment from the garden of Eden, even to this day. Yet we never question the tortured logic of such guilt that paints God as punisher to His Children.
How could He who alone knows us, and created us perfect, contradict His own integrity first by finding us guilty of anything, and further by finding us worthy not of forgiveness, but of severe and relentless punishment for all eternity. This thinking is insanity from every angle. Let us not believe in such madness nor in the illusions it generates, but instead put our true faith in the sanctity, love, forgiveness, and eternal wholeness of Him who created us. Let us listen instead to His unchanging Voice, and let it transform all our thoughts from pain and sorrow to peace, love and eternal joy. Let us further, through His blessings offer peace and joy to all our brothers. We willingly step away from the illusions of the world for a few minutes at the beginning and ending of the day and at every hour of the day, so that we lessen the intensity of the illusions and strengthen our faith in Truth.
I and my Creator are One. 

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