August 27th 2014 Lesson 162
I am as God created me.
- Intention: To remember this single sacred thought in our minds as the means for our own salvation.
- Practice: Holy indeed is he who makes these words his own; arising with them in his mind, recalling them throughout the day, at night bringing them with him as he goes to sleep. His dreams are happy and his rest secure, his safety certain and his body healed, because he sleeps and wakens with the truth before him always.
- Application:
-- Today we practice simply. For the words we use are mighty and they need no thoughts beyond themselves to change the mind of him who uses them. So wholly is it changed that it is now the treasury in which God places all His gifts and all His Love, to be distributed to all the world, increased in giving; kept complete because its sharing is unlimited. And thus you learn to think with God. Christ's vision has restored your sight by salvaging your mind.
- We
are as God created us, perfect, Spirit, free! This is the truth and nothing but the truth can be true. We are all perfect Spirit and free, and there is nothing that we need do or can do to change that, for what God has created perfect stays perfect. This, if we accept and embrace it, is our means to salvation for it frees us from all the guilt we feel about not being "good" enough for God to accept us. He already accepts us for He knows our perfection remains as He created it. We however, see only the illusion of our bodies and our limited ego mind and judge ourselves as lacking and unworthy. But here Christ's vision can save us by reminding us of the truth about who we really are, looking past the illusions of the world to that truth that stays forever true--we are as God created us, perfect, Spirit, free!
I and my Creator are One. 

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