August 1st 2014 Lesson 136
Sickness is a defense against the truth.
- Intention: To practice giving welcome to the truth.
- Practice:
Spend fifteen minutes twice today to ask the truth to come to us and set us free. And truth will come, for it has never been apart from us. It merely waits for just this invitation which we give today. In
addition, practice welcoming the truth whenever you find yourself tempted to attack, judge, condemn, or plan for uncertainties.
- Application:
-- Begin by saying this prayer:
Sickness is a defense against the truth. I will accept the truth of what I am,
and let my mind be wholly healed today.
Healing will flash across your open mind, as peace and truth arise to take the place of war and vain imaginings. Three will be no dark corners sickness can conceal, and keep defended from the light of truth. Your mind will be healed of all the sickly wishes that it tried to authorize the body to obey. Now the body is healed, because the source of sickness has be opened to relief.
And you will recognize you practiced well when the body does not feel at all. If you have been successful, there will be no sense of feeling ill or feeling well, of pain or pleasure. No response at all is in the mind to what the body does. Its usefulness remains and nothing more. The limits you placed on the body by the purposes you gave it are now removed, and the body regains its health. The body's health is fully guaranteed, because it is not limited by time, by weather or fatigue, by food and drink, or any laws you made it serve before. You need do nothing now to make it well, for sickness has become impossible.
To maintain this state though, be watchful and do not let your mind harbor attack thoughts, yield to judgment, or make plans against uncertainties to come, for these indicate your mind has become sick and made a body identity which will attack the body and make it sick again. If this occurs, remember that it is the mind that must be healed and tell yourself:
I have forgotten what I really am, for I mistook my body for myself. Sickness is a defense against the truth. But I am not a body. And my mind cannot attack.
So I can not be sick.
- Sickness is a defense against the truth that we are as God created us, like Himself: perfect, Spirit, and free. This is the truth that sickness tries to hide for in the light of this truth we cannot be sick, and neither can anything. Whenever we forget that we are Spirit and think instead that we are bodies, we are making a defense against what God created and opening the door to the illusion of sickness. The body cannot be sick because it is not real, it is a fiction we created in our minds, a tool we use to have certain experiences of limitation and loss. The cure for any sickness lies in the mind, for this is the source of both the body and the sickness.
We believe in our illusions because we created them, and because we forgot that we did this, we perceive them, think that they are real and react to them as such, making defenses to protect what we think needs protection. But truth is unaffected by our little illusions; what God created still remains as He created it. We are the only ones our illusions affect, if we choose to let them, but they cannot change what is unchangeable. We remain as God created us, and this we cannot change. But by remembering the truth and acting in accord with it, we can, in our eyes, regain the status God gave us and which we always have, as perfect, Spirit, and free.
- Practice often today to release attack thoughts, judgments, and planning for uncertainties. These all indicate that we are thinking of ourselves as bodies, limited and in need of defense. Make the correction in the mind, and free the body.
I and my Creator are One. 

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