August 19th 2014 Lesson 154
I am among the ministers of God.
- Intention: To remember that we will not recognize what we receive until we give it.
- Practice:
Spend thirty minutes twice today as we awake, and just before going to
sleep to lay aside all our interfering thoughts as one and listen to the God's Voice within us. In
addition, we will say our prayer for healing hourly, and take a minute
or more as the hour strikes, to hear the answer to our prayer.
- Application:
-- We practice in silence today, giving our attention to the daily
thought as long as possible. We spend this time with God, listening for His Voice (the Holy Spirit) in us. He created us and only He knows what our function is. We will listen to His Voice in us to hear the messages He gives to us, for He knows our worth and what role is best for us. His messages are for us first and as we can accept them for ourselves are we able to give them away to others. No one can receive and understand he has received until he gives. For in the giving is his own acceptance of what he received.
As we receive God's messages for ourselves we become His messengers to give His messages to others. This is part of our appointed role, and another part is to identify with Him, the Holy Spirit in us, who receives God's messages for us. It is this joining with the His Voice in us that we undertake to recognize today. We practice giving Him what He would have, that we may recognize His gifts to us. He needs our voice that He may speak through us; our hands to hold His messages, and carry them to those whom He appoints. He needs our feet to bring us where He wills, that those who wait in misery may be at last delivered. And He needs our will united with His Own, that we may be the true receivers of the gifts He gives.
- God created us perfect, Spirit, free, perfectly fitted to the function He wills for us to accomplish. We who know only the part should not judge the value of the parts, far less the value of the whole, but instead, listen in silence for His Voice to guide our steps in accomplishing our function as His ministers, the receivers of His gifts and the givers of those same gifts to other. By receiving His gifts first for ourselves and by sharing it with others that we grow in identifying with the Voice within us, the Holy Spirit who has received God's gifts for us. With recognition comes joining with Him and with joining, comes remembering the we are one with Him.
I and my Creator are One. 

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