August 3rd 2014 Lesson 138
Heaven is the decision I must make.
- Intention: To remember that Heaven is the only choice we need make, and in truth it is a choice we have already made, for Heaven has no opposite.
- Practice:
Spend five minutes twice today as we awake, and just before going to sleep to make the conscious choice between what has existence and what has nothing but an appearance of the truth. In
addition, reaffirm your choice for Heaven by remembering today's thought as every waking hour passes by.
- Application:
-- Choosing depends on learning, but the truth cannot be learned, it can only be recognized. In recognition its acceptance lies, and as it is accepted it is known. So recognition is the basis for acceptance and acceptance leads to knowledge. But acceptance, by another path, is also the basis for learning, and learning is the basis for the act of choosing or making decisions. What you accept as the truth about what you are and what you need, is the basis for your learning and therefore your decision making. This course offers you teaching goals that are attained through learning, for knowledge is beyond the goals we seek to teach within the framework of this course.
When someone offers a concept or idea that has the ring of truth to me, I am recognizing it as truth, and are therefore easily able to accept it as true. Based on my acceptance of this idea, I can grow to know deeper and deeper levels of its truth. Conversely, if I did not recognize it as true, I would not accept it and therefore never know if it was really true. My dismissal of the idea keeps me in ignorance because it prevents me from further investigation. Making the decision for Heaven, causes me to reconsider all decisions about my identity and correct them in the light of truth, which allows me to recognize what is false.
And as every hour of the waking day passes declare your choice again, in a brief quiet time devoted to maintaining sanity. And close the day with these words, acknowledging we chose but what we want.
Heaven is the decision I must make. I make it now, and will not change my mind. because it is the only thing I want.
- Choose Heaven and all else falls into place; it is the one decision that answers all the apparent choices the world presents to us. This is the only choice we need make, and even this is a given because it is the truth and the truth has no opposites. There is nothing to oppose the oneness of God. Opposition is a fantasy and exists only in the make-believe world of duality. We are one with each other and with God; that is the truth and only the truth can be true; therefore anything that seems to oppose truth has no reality in existence and must be an illusion. God is all-mighty, nothing can oppose Him so there is no need for opposition. Illusions can be brought to truth, but truth is self-existent, eternal and unchanging; it cannot be brought to illusions because truth alone exists.
I and my Creator are One. 

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