August 31st 2014 Lesson 166
I am entrusted with the gifts of God.
- Intention: To remember that God and all His gifts are with me wherever I go.
- Practice: Spend thirty minutes twice today as we awake, and just before going to sleep to lay aside our limited understanding of things and let the sight of Christ come into our awareness. In addition let us remember the gifts of God every hour of the day; remember that they are ours and ask that we become aware of them.
- Application: -- All things are given us by God, who created us one with Himself. We are never alone for He along with all His gifts are one with us, and His Will for us is perfect happiness. What can oppose God's Will and be real? The world we perceive contradicts God's Will, so it must be a dream and a poor one at that, for it gives us little chance for peace and without peace there can be no happiness. We have but to remember the truth that God is always with us, that we are not alone, and that He is the only comfort we need. Let today's thought remind us that of how fortunate we are to have God's gifts to help us face every seeming circumstance, to remember salvation is with us, and to offer these to our brothers.
God's will does not oppose. It merely is. We are not who we pretend to be, and there is One who walks with us who gently answers all our fears with this one merciful reply, "It is not so." He points to all the gifts we have each time the thought of poverty oppresses us, and speaks of His Companionship when we perceive our self as lonely and afraid. Let us acknowledge the gifts entrusted to us to give the world, and in the giving realize that we received it also for ourselves.
Be happy today and kind, for this is the gift you give to your brothers. Let sorrow not tempt you to be unfaithful to your trust. Your sighs will now betray the hopes of those who look to you for their release. Your tears are theirs. If you are sick, you but withhold their healing. What you fear but teaches them their fears are justified. Your hand becomes the giver of Christ's touch; your change of mind becomes the proof that who accepts God's gifts can never suffer anything. You are entrusted with the world's release from pain. Betray it not. Become the living proof of what Christ's touch can offer everyone. God entrusts the giving of His gifts to all who have received them. He has shared His joy with you that you may share it with the world.
- God has given us everything; how can we lack for anything, suffer any loss, harbor any fear or guilt, or be other than completely happy and fulfilled? Yet this is not our apparent state. Instead, we see ourselves as alone, in need of protection, sad and fearful. But the truth is alive within us when we remember God's gifts and feel the touch of Christ's hand on our shoulder reminding us of His presence, or see through His eyes the vision of who we really are.
We are full with God, we lack for nothing and can therefore only give. This is what it means to be full, like the ever full and unmoved sea that gives its water gladly to the sky; like the Sun that gives gladly of its light; like the love our Father gives gladly to us. Let us likewise give of the light we are to the world.
I and my Creator are One.