September 3rd 2014 Lesson 169
By grace I live. By grace I am released.
- Intention: To remember that I live by God's grace and it is only this that will release me.
- Practice: Spend
thirty minutes twice today as we awake and just before going to sleep
to lay aside our limited understanding of things and remember that God's
Grace is given me, It is the means by which I live and when I claim it, it becomes my salvation. In addition let us
to claim God's Gace in our lives at the start of every hour of the day.
- Application: -- God's gift of grace
is more than just an answer. It restores all memories the sleeping
mind forgot; all certainty of what Love's meaning is. Grace is an aspect of the Love of God which is most like the
state prevailing in the unity of truth. It is the world's most
lofty aspiration, for it leads beyond the world entirely. It
is past learning, yet the goal of learning, for grace cannot
come until the mind prepares itself for true acceptance. Grace
becomes inevitable instantly in those who have prepared a table
where it can be gently laid and willingly received; an altar
clean and holy for the gift. Grace is acceptance of the Love of God within a world of seeming
hate and fear. By grace alone the hate and fear are gone, for
grace presents a state so opposite to everything the world contains,
that those whose minds are lighted by the gift of grace can not
believe the world of fear is real.
Grace is not learned, for it goes beyond all learning. Grace is not the goal of this course, but the preparation for it, in that an open mind can hear the Call to waken. An open mind is not shut tight against God's Voice. It has become aware that there are things it does not know, and thus is ready to accept a state completely different from experience with which it is familiarly at home. Yet forgiveness, taught and learned, brings with it the experiences which bear witness that the time the mind itself determined to abandon all but this is now at hand.
We ask for grace, and for experience that comes from grace. We welcome the release it offers everyone. We do not ask for the unaskable. We do not look beyond what grace can give. For this we can give in the grace that has been given us. Our learning goal today does not exceed this prayer. Yet in the world, what could be more than what we ask this day of Him Who gives the grace we ask, as it was given Him?
By grace I live. By grace I am released.By grace I give. By grace I will release.
- It is by the grace of God that we live, for we live in Him Who created us perfect, Spirit, and free. We already are that to which this course aspires, i.e. the awareness of our oneness with God, which comes just before the experience of that oneness. The humble recognition that it is only by His grace that we exist and live, even in our limited world of perceptions, is the prerequisite for our awakening and our salvation. Through the awareness of our limited understanding we learn forgiveness and teach it to our brothers and thus we grow in trust of God's perfect knowledge and complete love for us.
I and my Creator are One. 

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