September 25th 2014 Lesson 193
All things are lessons God would have me learn.
- Intention: To remember that forgiveness is the way to change our experience of things. We are all children of God therefore all of us are innocent and sinless. Forgiveness for what seems to be mistakes or sins is the only way to see them differently.
- Practice:
Twice today, morning and night, devote what time you can to serve time's proper aim, and do not let the time be less than meets your deepest need. Give all you can, and give a little more. For now we would arise in haste and go unto our Father's house. We have been gone too long, and we would linger here no more. And as we practice, let us think about all things we saved to settle by ourselves, and keep apart from healing. Let us give them all to Him Who knows the way to look upon them so that they will disappear. Truth is His message; truth His teaching is. His are the lessons God would have us learn.
- Application: In addition to our morning and nightly practice, each hour, spend a little time today and in the days to come, in practicing the lesson in forgiveness in the form established for the day. And try to give it application to the happenings the hour brought, so that the next one is free of the one before. The chains of time are easily unloosened in this way. Let no one hour cast its shadow on the one that follows, and when that one goes, let everything that happened in its course go with it. Thus will you remain unbound, in peace eternal in the world of time.
This is the lesson God will have you learn: There is a way to look on everything that lets it be to you another step to Him, and to salvation of the world. To all that speaks of terror, answer thus:
I will forgive, and this will disappear.
To every apprehension, every care and every form of suffering, repeat these selfsame words. And then you hold the key that opens Heaven's gate, and brings the Love of God the Father down to earth at last, to raise it up to Heaven. God will take this final step Himself. Do not deny the little steps He asks you take to Him.
- This is an excellent lesson in mindfulness, to let go of what happened last year, last month, last week, yesterday, and even what occurred in the last hour, good or bad, let it go so that it casts no shadow on this present moment, leaving it free to be what it is and for us to be free in it. Using this technique of mindful forgiveness we can progress quickly in our Self-awakening. Forgive everything and let it go! Know that God has our best interests at heart and every situation we find ourselves in are His way of helping us find our way home, in accord with our deepest wishes. Whatever we find interesting, whatever state of mind or situation we are in, whatever we think we want or need, God will use all of it to help us move forward in our evolution. Our challenge is to be without judgement or insistence that things be other than the way they are, and to forgive whatever appears troubling to us so that we can release it. Whatever it is, if we forgive it, we will see it differently.
- All that appears troubling to us indicates that there is still something in our minds that we have not forgiven. The pain or suffering we feel is presenting to us an opportunity to forgive the situation by seeing it differently and thereby releasing it. The only question then is whether we want to hold on to the pain or release it; whether we want peace and joy or tension; whether we want the joy of God or pain; whether we want Heaven or hell; all these alternatives are the same. The choice is ours alone, so choose wisely.
I and my Creator are One.

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