September 20th 2014 Lesson 186
Salvation of the world depends on me.
- Intention: To remember the that this statement rests on the truth that we are as God created us: perfect, Spirit, free. This is who we are and this is our function, to save the world through our forgiveness.
- Practice:
Sit in silence at least twice today and let your mind experience the peace that is within you. Release all the made up ideas about what you think you are and what you think your function is and in the silence listen for the Voice of God to remind you of these. In addition, think of today's idea for a few moments at each waking hour of the day. Let this thought sink deeply into our awareness of ourselves. Are we the illusions we think we are or are we as God created us? The truth of today's lesson depends on the answer we choose.
- Application: Let
us today lay aside all false humility and listen for God's Voice to reveal
to us what He would have us do. Let us not doubt our adequacy for the
function He will offer us. We will be certain only that He knows our
strengths, our wisdom and our holiness. And if He deems us worthy, so
we are. It is but arrogance that judges otherwise. The Voice for God assures us that we have the strength, the wisdom and the holiness to go beyond all images. We are neither weak, nor ignorant, nor helpless. We remain as God created us: perfect, Spirit, free!
And so we find our peace. We will accept the function God has given us, for all illusions rest upon the weird belief that we can make another function for ourselves; we cannot. God knows no error, and His Voice is certain. Do as God's Voice directs. And if it asks a thing of you which seems impossible, remember Who it is that asks, and who would make denial. Then consider this; which is more likely to be right?
- The first thought that came to mind from today's lesson is that the world is in deep trouble if its salvation depends on me, for how can one so limited in knowledge and power save the world? Clearly this thought comes from the belief that we are not as God created us; it shows that what we believe about ourselves is not in accordance with what our Creator knows about us. But if we question, even for a moment, this belief, we will see that it is impossible for us to understand who we are better than the One who created us, so our belief about ourselves must be an illusion. Regardless of what we perceive and think about ourselves, we are as God created us: perfect, Spirit, free; we cannot be otherwise, for that will contradict God's perfection.
- Today's lesson is closely related to yesterday's, for if we want the peace of God, we must be willing to accept the truth of who we are and the function we have been given. Lasting happiness depends on peace and we cannot be at peace until we accept our function, and we cannot accept our function until we accept that we are as God created us. So, accepting that we are as God created us, we can accept our given function as savior of the world, even if we do not yet fully understand all the implications of such a function, we can at least be confident in knowing that the One who created us knows and will communicate to us all we need to know, when we need to know it. By trusting in the infallible wisdom of our creator, we find lasting peace, the basis for our happiness. In this acceptance of ourselves and of our brothers as holy children of God, unified in our function as the salvation of the world, lies the solution to all our perceived problems and all the perceived problems of the world. This is how we save the world.
I and my Creator are One.

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