September 28th 2014 Lesson 194
I place the future in the Hands of God.
- Intention: To remember to let the future go and place it in God's Hands. And you will see by your experience that you have laid the past and present in His Hands as well, because the past will punish you no more, and future dread will now be meaningless.
- Practice: Twice today, let us go to that quiet place within our hearts and minds
where the Light and Love and Joy of God abides. Let us release all thoughts and concerns about the future or about past mistakes. God holds our future as He holds our past and present. They are one to Him, and so they should be one to us. Remember the peace of God in your silence, and when you return to the world of form, give a little time each hour to practice forgiveness in the form of today's lesson, applying it to whatever is happening in that hour and releasing all concerns when the hour passes, so that the next hour is free of the one before.
- Application: What
worry can beset the one who gives his future to the loving Hands of
God? What can he suffer? What can cause him pain, or bring experience
of loss to him? What can he fear? And what can he regard except wit
love? For he who has escaped all fear of future pain has found his way to present peace, and certainty of care the world can never threaten. He is sure that his perception may be faulty, but will never lack correction. He is free to choose again when he has been deceived; to change his mind when he has made mistakes.
Place, then, your future in the Hands of God. For thus you call the memory of Him to come again, replacing all your thoughts of sin and evil with the truth of love. Who entrusts himself to God has also placed the world within the Hands to which he has himself appealed for comfort and security. He lays aside the sick illusions of the world along with his, and offers peace to both. Now are we saved indeed. for in God's Hands we rest untroubled, sure that only good can come to us. If we forget, we will be gently reassured. If we accept an unforgiving thought, it will be soon replaced by love's reflection. And if we are tempted to attack, we will appeal to Him Who guards our rest to make the choice for us that leaves temptation far behind. No longer is the world our enemy, for we have chosen that we be its friend.
- We appeal to God for help only when we realize the immensity of the challenge we face, only when we have tried and failed countless times and now realize that there must be something we do not perceive or understand, and that by surrendering control to God we will now easily achieve our goal of lasting peace, freedom from worry, and eternal joy. How else can this be achieved except with God's Help? We work tirelessly at trying to secure a future at the cost of the present, and still we feel anxious for we fear the inevitability of death. Only in accepting today's idea are we freed from death's grip, from an imagined hell, depression, and thoughts of sin brought about by guilt. Trust God as a little child trusts its parents to nurture and protect him from danger, and as a wise student trusts his teacher to show him the way to peace.
I and my Creator are One.

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