September 1st 2014 Lesson 167
There is one life, and that I share with God.
- Intention: To remember that all of life is one and all of life shares that one life with every other part of life and with God.
- Practice: Spend
thirty minutes twice today as we awake, and just before going to sleep
to lay aside our limited understanding of things and let the truth that all of life is one come into our awareness. In addition let us remember this truth every hour of the day; remember that God is the Life and we are part of that one Life.
- Application: -- Let us be silent with today's thought and ponder its implicaions, for it is the basis of the course's new thought system. Because thre is only one life, we can never be apart from our Source, and what is done to one part is done to the whole. There are not different kinds of life, for life is like the
truth. It does not have degrees. It is the one condition in which
all that God created share. Like all His Thoughts, it has no
opposite. There is no death because what God created shares His
life. There is no death because an opposite to God does not exist. There is no death because the Father and the Son are One.
In this world, there appears to be a state called death that is life's opposite. Death is the one idea which underlies all feelings that are not supremely happy. It is the alarm to which you give response of any kind that is not perfect joy. All sorrow, loss, anxiety, suffering, pain, even a little sigh of weariness, a slight discomfort or the merest frown, acknowledge death. And thus deny you live. Death is the thought that you are separate from your Creator. It is the belief conditions change, emotions alternate because of causes you cannot control, you did not make, and you can never change. It is the fixed belief ideas can leave their source, and take on qualities the source does not contain, becoming different from their own origin, apart from it in kind as well as distance, time and form.
What seems to be the opposite of life is merely sleeping. When the mind elects to be what it is not, and to assume an alien power which it does not have, a foreign state it cannot enter, or a false condition not within its Source, it merely seems to go to sleep a while. It dreams of time; an interval in which what seems to happen never has occurred, the changes wrought are substanceless, and all events are nowhere. When the mind awakes, it but continues as it always was. Let us today be children of the truth, and not deny our holy heritage. Our life is not as we imagine it. Let us spend this day remembering that we are one with the God and all of creation; that life is one and that one life we share with God.
- Remember the implications of oneness: what appears to be different separate and distinct is simply other forms of the one Life. Just as a wave that appears to be different from the ocean, different from other waves, whirlpools, eddies, evaporation, rainfall, lakes, streams, rivers, and any other form that may appear diffferent, remember that their essential nature is all water, H2O. In the same way, be not fooled by all the various forms of bodies, animals, plants, and objects you perceive, they are all part of the oneness that is God.
All of it is God, and all of it is imbibed with all the qualities of God. Expansion and expressions of differing forms are possible, but anything that attempts to violate the laws of oneness by implying concepts or characteristics not of the one Source of all that is, such as separation, loss, failure, requirement, judgement, condemnation, superority, etc., is merely dreaming. The essential integrity of oneness is guranteed by God and cannot be changed, diminished, or augmented in any way. We are part of God, always was and always will be.
I and my Creator are One. 

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