September 16th 2014 Lesson 182
I will be still an instant and go home.
- Intention: To give the divine Child in you a little time to rest and breathe again the holy air that fills His Father's house; a little time to be Himself within the peace that is His home, resting in silence, peace and love. This Child is your defenselessness; your strength; the Christ reborn in you.
- Practice: When you are still an instant, when the world recedes from you, when valueless ideas cease to have value in your restless mind, then will you hear the voice of the holy Child within you. So poignantly He calls to you that you will not resist Him longer. In that instant He will take you to His home, and you will stay with Him in perfect stillness, silent and at peace, beyond all words, untouched by fear and doubt, sublimely certain that you are at home.
- Application: Rest
with Him frequently today. For He was willing to become a little Child that you might learn of Him how strong is he who comes without
defenses, offering only love's messages to those who think he is their
enemy. Go home with Him from time to time today. You are as much an
alien here as He. Take time today to lay aside your shield which
profits nothing and lay down the spear and sword you raised against a nonexistent enemy. Be still and instant and go home with Him, and be at peace a while.
You have not lost your innocence. It is for this you yearn. This is your heart's desire. This is the voice you hear, and this the call which cannot be denied. The holy Child remains with you. His home is yours. Accept today the defenselessness He gives you in exchange for all the toys of battle you have made.
- It was the ancient Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu who said that "stillness is the greatest revelation," and indeed he was correct. In the silent stillness of the Self we remember who we are much more deeply than we can otherwise. This is the silence we seek, the motive for all our activities, the greatest revelation of our Self to our self by our Self. The world we seem to live in constantly distracts us from this revelation, but we can remember it by regularly taking some time to just be. Let us then be still today, and remember our true Self.
I and my Creator are One.

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