September 21st 2014 Lesson 187
I bless the world because I bless myself.
- Intention: To remember that you give but to yourself. This is an expression of the principle of unity. God is the first giver and He gave everything to His son who is one with Himself.
- Practice:
Sit in silence at least twice today and let your mind experience the
peace that is within you. Release all the made up ideas about what you
think you are, what you think the world is, and remember that you are one with the Creator of all that is. This is our birthright, the gift that God, who has everything and is everything, has given to us His Children. This is the blessing we have received, and it is this that we can give to the world.
No one can give unless he has. In fact, giving is proof of having. Having had and given, then the world asserts that you have lost what you possessed. The truth, however, maintains that giving will increase what you possess. With respect to objects it is certainly true that you no longer have an object that you have given away, but we know that objects but represent the thoughts that made them. And you do not lack for proof that when you give ideas away, you strengthen them in your own mind. The form in which the thought seems to appear may be changed in giving. Yet it must return to him who gives. Nor can the form it takes be less acceptable. It must be more. So give gladly of your thoughts and the things that thoughts create, and you will strengthen these in your own mind.
Ideas must first belong to you, before you give them. If you are to save the world, you first accept salvation for yourself. Salvation comes form the knowledge and acceptance of who you really are as God created you. Accept this truth and you accept God's Blessing, and it is this blessing that you can keep by now giving it to the world. Protect all things you value by the act of giving them away and you are sure that you will never lose them. Yet value not their form. For this will change and grow unrecognizable in time however much you try to keep it safe. No form endures. It is the thought behind the form of things that lives unchangeable.
- Application: Let
us today lay aside all sense of lack and remember the fullness of God within us. We are one with God and with our brothers, so we can give only to ourselves the thoughts we share with Him. In the silence of our practice let us open our awareness to His thoughts so that we can bless the world as we bless ourselves.
- We are God's Children, and we remain as He created us: perfect, Spirit,
free, as likened onto Himself. God has everything and is everything;
there is no lack in Him who is the definition of fullness. One who is
full can only give for there is no room for anything to be added, and
all that One can give is Its fullness. We are gods like God and we also
can only give of our fullness. We can only give from the level of
fullness we believe we possess and this is why it is important to first
receive the blessing of God's salvation, for then we will be giving from
the fullness that we truly are, as opposed to the apparent lack of
fullness that we believe we are.
I and my Creator are One.

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