June 28th 2014 Lesson 103
God, being Love, is also happiness.
- Intention: To remember that God and Love and Happiness are one.
- Practice: The first Five-minutes of every waking hour as best you can, and remember to repeat today's thought between each practice session.
- Application:
-- Begin with today's thought, which corrects the false belief that God is fear and emphasizes happiness belongs to you, because of what He is.
God, being Love, is also happiness.To fear him is to be afraid of joy.
Love and happiness go together hand in hand; where one is there the other is also found. God being omnipresent means that Love is omnipresent and there is in truth no space where sin can hide or harbor fear and pain, so the experience of pain, though apparent, is an experience of unreality. It is impossible for both God and pain to exist, for one is true and the other false. Let us remember often the truth that God is Love and let happiness replace our unfounded belief in sin and pain.
Remember today's idea between your hourly practice periods, and quiet all fears with this assurance, kind and wholly true:
God, being Love, is also happiness.And it is happiness I seek today.
I cannot fail, because I seek the truth.
- Our believe in sin questions the validity of God as Love and happiness. To change this belief we must question its basis. Would God, being omnipresent, want pain and sin to be a part of Himself and His creation; would anyone? inconceivable! The truth is obvious then that sin is unreal and God, being Love, is also happiness. See sin as the illusion that it is, like a mirage of water in the distance in a desert or on hot asphalt. What we perceive is not always real, so let us not conclude that sin and pain is real simply because we perceive them. Their unreality is a fact, and they have no real effects. God created us as Himself, as Love and Happiness, so let us look inside ourselves for validation of this absolute truth.
I and my Creator are One. 

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