June 26th 2014 Lesson 101
God's will for me is perfect happiness.
- Intention: To remember that sin is a mistake, that joy is real and salvation need not be feared.
- Practice: The first Five-minutes of every waking hour as best you can, and remember to repeat today's thought between each practice session.
- Application:
-- Begin with today's thought, then try to find the joy these thoughts will introduce into your mind. Say to yourself:
God's Will for me is perfect happiness.There is no sin; it has no consequence.
Then sit quietly and let yourself slip deeper and deeper into the silence. Feel the release of the heavy burden of guilt these words lift from your shoulders. Sin is an illusion, unreal and without effects. It is impossible for you to sin for you are created in the image and likeness of your Creator Who is perfectly sinless. Forgive yourself your belief in sin and its consequences: punishment, pain, and death. Gods Will for us is perfect happiness, which automatically precludes sin and its consequences, and establishes the truth that happiness is our salvation. We are sinless by definition, so happiness and only happiness is our true function.
Remember today's idea between your hourly practice periods. Tell yourself as often as you can:
God's Will for me is perfect happiness.This is the truth, because there is no sin.
- Our beliefs dictate our behavior and our experience; change a belief and our behavior and experience changes. If we believe in sin we cannot avoid the logical consequences that justly follow from it. If sin is real then punishment is just and happiness becomes unreal, for they cannot both be true. Belief in one falsifies the other, and it is clear that we, in general, still believe in sin if we still accept an image of God as judging, punishing, and vengeful. But this image is automatically replaced and God is seen as loving, peaceful and forgiving when we deny the apparent reality of sin.
I and my Creator are One. 

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