June 10th 2014 Lesson 85
Review II
- Intention: To review two lesson ideas a day,
- Practice: Two 15-minute sessions with eyes closed; one in the earlier part of the day, and the other in the latter part of the day. In addition, frequent shorter (2-minute) applications of the ideas of the day.
- Application: Long session --
Devote three or four minutes to reading the ideas for the day slowly,
several times if you wish, then close your eyes and listen. If you mind
wanders, read the ideas again, but spend the major part of the time listening quietly but attentively. There
is a message waiting for you. Be confident that you will receive it.
Remember that it belongs to you, and that you want it.
Remember hat your will has power over all distractions, fantasies and dreams. Be determined each day to your practice, and use the shorter practice periods to reaffirm your determination.
The comments that follow the statement of the ideas for each day, are merely suggestions. Use them as you see fit, or formulate your own.
- Application: Short sessions -- Repeat the ideas of the day with deep conviction, as frequently as
possible. And be particularly sure to apply the specific form to any problem that may
(69) My grievances hide the light of the world in me.
Suggestions for specific forms for applying this idea are:
- Let me not use this as a block to sight.
- The light of the world will shine all this away
- I have no need for this. I want to see.
- Grievances hide from my awareness my true identity as the light of the world. I am the light of the world, but without the awareness of my own light, illusions cover truth and perception covers vision. When what God created becomes lost to my awareness, the world becomes a dark place, ripe for sleep and the made-up fantasies of dreams that now replace the enlightened vision of true wakefulness.
- I will lay aside all grievances so that I can behold the vision of myself as God created me--the light of the world. Grievances directly oppose my function, which is forgiveness and thus directly oppose my peace and happiness. Let me now replace all grievances with forgiveness that I may be happy and fulfill my function.
(70) My salvation comes from me.
Some specific forms for applying this idea include:
Some specific forms for applying this idea include:
- Let this not tempt me to look away from me for my salvation.
- I will not let this interfere with my awareness of the Source of my salvation.
- This has no power to remove salvation from me.
- The Kingdom of Heaven resides in me for that is where the Source of salvation resides. I cannot be apart from myself or from that Source, and I cannot find salvation anywhere other than where it is, so I will look only into my Self for my salvation.
. - Let me forgive what seems to be outside of me in the form of grievances so that I may focus on the light that is in me, and with single-minded vision remember who I am and behold my salvation.
I and my Creator are One. 

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