June 16th 2014 Lesson 91
Miracles are seen in light.
- Intention: To feel the strength of the One who supports our little efforts to see the light, which makes us aware of miracles. The light facilitates the sight of miracles and allows us to feel their strength.
- Practice: Three 10-minute sessions with eyes closed. In addition, repeat today's statement five or six times each hour.
- Application: Long sessions
-- Repeat the following statement of true cause and effect relationships: Miracles are seen in light.
The body's eyes do not perceive the light
But I am not a body. What am I?.
Ask the question in honesty, then devote several minutes to allowing your mistaken thoughts about your attributes be corrected, and their opposites to take their place Say for example:I am not weak, but strong.
I am not helpless, but all powerful.
I am not limited, but unlimited.
I am not doubtful, but certain.
I am not an illusion, but a reality.
I cannot see in darkness, but in light.Now try to experience these truths about yourself. Concentrate particularly on the experience of strength. Remember that all sense of weakness is associated with the belief you are a body, a belief that is mistaken and deserves no faith. Try to remove your faith from it, if only for a moment. You will be accustomed to keeping faith with the more worthy in you as we go along.
Relax for the rest of the practice period, confident that your efforts, however meager, are fully supported by the strength of God and all His Thoughts. It is from them that your strength will come. It is through their strong support that you will feel the strength in you.
- Application: Short sessions -- Repeat today's idea with deep conviction, five or six times each hour. And be sure to meet temptation with today's idea in the following special form:
Miracles are seen in light. Let me not close my eyes because of this.
- Miracles and vision necessarily go together. Miracles are always there, but our awareness of them is illumined by the light. Two obstacles exist: first our denial of the light, and second, our faith in the darkness. Denial of the light prevents us from seeing it, which then strengthens our faith in what we seem to see in the darkness.
- We are not awake, we are dreaming and in the darkness of our dreaming we created dream bodies that appear to function. But we are not these bodies. The body's eyes do not see the light, only the darkness of our dreams. Because we made these bodies we believe them to be real and have faith in what they tell us, thus our faith is in darkness, not in the light.
- To remedy this on our own is impossible, but fortunately we have the might power of God to help support our little efforts. Let us put our faith in this strength, and doubt and question the reality of the apparent darkness instead. Miracles can only be seen in the light, and that light God created us to be.
I and my Creator are One. 

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