June 27th 2014 Lesson 102
I share God's Will for happiness for me.
- Intention: To strengthen our conviction that sin, pain and suffering has no value, no existence, no purpose, and no power to accomplish anything, for it is against the will we share with God for our happiness.
- Practice: The first Five-minutes of every waking hour as best you can, and remember to repeat today's thought between each practice session.
- Application:
-- Begin today's practice by accepting God's Will for you: I share God's Will for happiness for me, and
I accept it as my function now.
Then seek this function deep within your mind, for it is there awaiting but your choice. You cannot fail to find it when you learn it is your choice, and that you share God's Will. Be happy, for your only function here is happiness. You have no need to be less loving to others, knowing them also to be Children of God.
Pause frequently today, to tell yourself that you have now accepted happiness as your one function. And be sure that you are joining with God's Will in doing this:
- We share God's Will for happiness for us because that is the natural will of any loving father for his children, and it is our will as well because happiness is something everyone wants. So this is a common will we share with God and we so we cannot fail in accomplishing this for there can be no will greater or more powerful that God's.
- How could we sin when the One who created us Our
beliefs dictate our behavior and our experience; change a belief and
our behavior and experience changes. If we believe in sin we cannot
avoid the logical consequences that justly follow from it. If sin is
real then punishment is just and happiness becomes unreal, for they
cannot both be true. Belief in one falsifies the other, and it is clear
that we, in general, still believe in sin if we still hold an image of God as
judging, punishing, and vengeful. But this image is automatically
replaced and God is seen as loving, peaceful and forgiving when we deny the
apparent reality of sin.
I and my Creator are One. 

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