June 22nd 2014 Lesson 97
I am spirit.
- Intention: To remember to know and to experience my true identity: I am spirit, one with God and therefore one with all that is.
- Practice:
The first Five-minutes of every waking hour as best you can, but at
least remember to repeat today's thoughts each hour. Be determined to
- Application: -- Begin these happy exercises with the words the Holy Spirit speaks to you, and let them echo round the world through Him:
Spirit am I, a holy Child of God, free of all limits,
safe and healed and whole, free to forgive, and free to save the world.
Expressed through you, the Holy Spirit will accept this gift that you received of Him, increase its power and give it back to you. Offer each practice period today gladly to Him. And He will speak to you, reminding you that you are spirit, one with Him and God, your brothers and sisters and your Self. Listen for His assurance every time you speak the words He offers you today, and let Him tell your mind that they are true. Use them against temptation and escape its sorry consequences if you yield to the belief that you are something else. The Holy Spirit gives you peace today. Receive His words, and offer them to Him.
Each time you practice, awareness is brought a little nearer at least; sometimes a thousand years or more are saved.
- I am spirit, as opposed to a body, means that I have all the benefits of spirit and none of the limitations of a body. I am spirit means that I am now and always will be: eternal, invincible, invulnerable therefore fearless, insuperable, and unlimited by time, space, or causation. And so is everyone!
- We are Spirit; we are perfect, in the likeness of our Creator; and we are free, free to choose to be like Him.
I and my Creator are One. 

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