Monday, June 30, 2014

June 30th 2014  Lesson 105

God's peace and joy are mine.

  • Intention:  To receive God's gifts of peace and joy by offering it to all others.
  • Practice:  The first Five-minutes of every waking hour as best you can, and remember to repeat today's thought between each practice session.

  • Application: -- Begin today by thinking of those brothers who have been denied by you the peace and joy that are their right under the equal laws of God.  Here you denied them to yourself.  And here you must return to claim them as your own.  Think of your "enemies" a while, and tell each one, as he occurs to you:
    My brother, peace and joy I offer you,
    that I may have God's peace and joy as mine.

    Thus you prepare yourself to recognize God's gifts to you, and let your mind be free of all that would prevent success today.  Now are you ready to accept the gift of peace and joy that God has given you.  Now are you ready to experience the joy and peace you have denied yourself.  Now you can say, "God's peace and joy are mine," for you have given what you would receive.

    You must succeed today, if you prepare your mind as we suggest.  For you have let all bars to peace and joy be lifted up, and what is yours can come to you at last.  So tell yourself, "God's peace and joy are mine," and close your eyes a while and let His Voice assure you that the words you speak are true:

    Remember hourly today's thought, and if a brother seems to tempt you to deny God's gift to him, see it as but another chance to let yourself receive the gifts of God as yours.  Then bless your brother thankfully, and say:

    My brothre, peace and joy I offer you, 
    that I may have God's peace and joy as mine.

  • Giving and receiving are the same, and God's gifts increase in the giving, unlike the gifts of the world, in which the giver loses as he gives.  A major goal of this course is to reverse the our view of giving so that we can receive, for if giving is a source of fear, we would avoid the only means by which we can receive.  God's gifts will never lessen, but only increase when given away.  True giving is creating for it extends what is already there and already complete.
  • God is Love and Happiness and this is what He created us to be, as like onto Himself; this is our God-given inheritance and we cannot loose it, even though we have forgotten it.  So let us be determined now to seek within ourselves for what we know to be there, God's gifts of love and peace and joy, and offer these gifts to all others, denying none, and thus receive it for yourself. 

I and my Creator are One.  *:)

Sunday, June 29, 2014

June 29th 2014  Lesson 104

I seek but what belongs to me in truth.

  • Intention:  To remember that we have within us, God's gifts of love and peace and joy.
  • Practice:  The first Five-minutes of every waking hour as best you can, and remember to repeat today's thought between each practice session.

  • Application: -- Begin with today's thought:
    I seek but what belongs to me in truth,
    and joy and peace are my inheritance.

    Then let us close our eyes and lay aside the conflicts of the world that offer other gifts and other goals made of illusions, and seek instead that which is truly ours, as we ask to recognize what God has given us.  We clear a holy place within our minds before His alter, where His givts of peace and joy are welcome, and to which we come to find what He has given us.  We come in confidence today, aware that what belongs to us in truth is what He gives.  And we would wish for nothing else, for nothing else belongs to us in truth.
    So do we clear the way for Him today by simply recognizing that His Will is done already, and that joy and peace belong to us as His eternal gifts.

    We will not let ourselves lose sight of His gifts between the times we come to seek for them where He has laid them, deep within our minds.  We will use the following reminder as often as we can:

    I seek but what belongs to me in truth.
    God's gifts of joy and peace are all I want.

  • God is Love and Happiness and this is what He created us to be, as like onto Himself; this is our God-given inheritance and we cannot loose it, even though we have forgotten it.  So let us be determined now to seek within ourselves for what we know to be there, God's gifts of love and peace and joy. 
  • As children of God, we know these gifts have been given us because of Him who created us as one with Himself.  And we know that these gifts have been placed at the alter of God within us, so we have only to seek and find them there.  Knowing what you seek and knowing where it is are two-thirds of what you need to succeed.  The final one-third is the seeking, which is nothing more than the remembering of what we already are and have.  This seeking we are determined to do for five minutes every waking hour, that we may remember the gifts God give to us as part of Himself.

I and my Creator are One.  *:)

Saturday, June 28, 2014

June 28th 2014  Lesson 103

God, being Love, is also happiness.

  • Intention:  To remember that God and Love and Happiness are one.
  • Practice:  The first Five-minutes of every waking hour as best you can, and remember to repeat today's thought between each practice session.

  • Application: -- Begin with today's thought, which corrects the false belief that God is fear and emphasizes happiness belongs to you, because of what He is.
    God, being Love, is also happiness.
    To fear him is to be afraid of joy.

    Love and happiness go together hand in hand; where one is there the other is also found.  God being omnipresent means that Love is omnipresent and there is in truth no space where sin can hide or harbor fear and pain, so the experience of pain, though apparent, is an experience of unreality.  It is impossible for both God and pain to exist, for one is true and the other false.  Let us remember often the truth that God is Love and let happiness replace our unfounded belief in sin and pain.
    Remember today's idea between your hourly practice periods, and quiet all fears with this assurance, kind and wholly true:

    God, being Love, is also happiness.
    And it is happiness I seek today.
    I cannot fail, because I seek the truth.

  • Our believe in sin questions the validity of God as Love and happiness.  To change this belief we must question its basis.  Would God, being omnipresent, want pain and sin to be a part of Himself and His creation; would anyone?  inconceivable!  The truth is obvious then that sin is unreal and God, being Love, is also happiness.  See sin as the illusion that it is, like a mirage of water in the distance in a desert or on hot asphalt.  What we perceive is not always real, so let us not conclude that sin and pain is real simply because we perceive them.  Their unreality is a fact, and they have no real effects.  God created us as Himself, as Love and Happiness, so let us look inside ourselves for validation of this absolute truth.

I and my Creator are One.  *:)

Friday, June 27, 2014

June 27th 2014  Lesson 102

I share God's Will for happiness for me.

  • Intention:  To strengthen our conviction that sin, pain and suffering has no value, no existence, no purpose, and no power to accomplish anything, for it is against the will we share with God for our happiness.
  • Practice:  The first Five-minutes of every waking hour as best you can, and remember to repeat today's thought between each practice session.

  • Application: -- Begin today's practice by accepting God's Will for you: 
    I share God's Will for happiness for me, and
    I accept it as my function now.

    Then seek this function deep within your mind, for it is there awaiting but your choice.  You cannot fail to find it when you learn it is your choice, and that you share God's Will.  Be happy, for your only function here is happiness.  You have no need to be less loving to others, knowing them also to be Children of God.
    Pause frequently today, to tell yourself that you have now accepted happiness as your one function.  And be sure that you are joining with God's Will in doing this:

  • We share God's Will for happiness for us because that is the natural will of any loving father for his children, and it is our will as well because happiness is something everyone wants.  So this is a common will we share with God and we so we cannot fail in accomplishing this for there can be no will greater or more powerful that God's.
  • How could we sin when the One who created us Our beliefs dictate our behavior and our experience; change a belief and our behavior and experience changes.  If we believe in sin we cannot avoid the logical consequences that justly follow from it.  If sin is real then punishment is just and happiness becomes unreal, for they cannot both be true.  Belief in one falsifies the other, and it is clear that we, in general, still believe in sin if we still hold an image of God as judging, punishing, and vengeful.   But this image is automatically replaced and God is seen as loving, peaceful and forgiving when we deny the apparent reality of sin.

I and my Creator are One.  *:)

Thursday, June 26, 2014

June 26th 2014  Lesson 101

God's will for me is perfect happiness.

  • Intention:  To remember that sin is a mistake, that joy is real and salvation need not be feared.
  • Practice:  The first Five-minutes of every waking hour as best you can, and remember to repeat today's thought between each practice session.

  • Application: -- Begin with today's thought, then try to find the joy these thoughts will introduce into your mind.  Say to yourself: 
    God's Will for me is perfect happiness.
    There is no sin; it has no consequence.

    Then sit quietly and let yourself slip deeper and deeper into the silence.  Feel the release of the heavy burden of guilt these words lift from your shoulders.  Sin is an illusion, unreal and without effects.  It is impossible for you to sin for you are created in the image and likeness of your Creator Who is perfectly sinless.  Forgive yourself your belief in sin and its consequences:  punishment, pain, and death.  Gods Will for us is perfect happiness, which automatically precludes sin and its consequences, and establishes the truth that happiness is our salvation.  We are sinless by definition, so happiness and only happiness is our true function.
    Remember today's idea between your hourly practice periods.  Tell yourself as often as you can:

    God's Will for me is perfect happiness.
    This is the truth, because there is no sin.

  • Our beliefs dictate our behavior and our experience; change a belief and our behavior and experience changes.  If we believe in sin we cannot avoid the logical consequences that justly follow from it.  If sin is real then punishment is just and happiness becomes unreal, for they cannot both be true.  Belief in one falsifies the other, and it is clear that we, in general, still believe in sin if we still accept an image of God as judging, punishing, and vengeful.   But this image is automatically replaced and God is seen as loving, peaceful and forgiving when we deny the apparent reality of sin.

I and my Creator are One.  *:)

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

June 25th 2014  Lesson 100

My part is essential to God's plan for salvation.

  • Intention:  To remember that our function is happiness; that is the part we play in Gods plan for salvation.
  • Practice:  The first Five-minutes of every waking hour as best you can, and remember to repeat today's thought between each practice session.

  • Application: -- Begin with today's thought, then realize that your part in God's plan is to be happy.  Sit quietly and let yourself slip deeper and deeper into the silence.  Look deep within you, undismayed by all the little thoughts and foolish goals you pass as you ascend to meet the Christ in you.  You will find Him there.  What would you rather look upon in place of Him?  What little thought has power to hold you back?  What foolish goal can keep you from success when He Who calls to you is God Himself?

    Gods Will for us is perfect happiness; w
    e simply receive according to His plan, and never lose or sacrifice or die.  God asks no sacrifice of us, but without our joy, His joy is incomplete.  So let us not be sad today, for if we are, we will fail to play the part that is essential to God's plan, as well as to our vision.  Sadness is the sign that we would play another part instead of what has been assigned to us by God.  Let us be God's messengers today and through our joy bring His peace and happiness to all we look upon.
    Remember today's idea between your hourly practice periods.  It is your Self Who calls you today.  And it is Him you answer, every time you tell yourself you are essential to God's plan for the salvation of the world.


  • We are one with God, therefore His plan for salvation is also ours.  Our joy is His will for us, for what good will salvation be if we are unhappy?  Our joy is therefore essential to God's Plan for our salvation.  Our joy comes from fulfilling our function, which is to forgive all grievances with ourselves and with the world.  And because we are all one, our joy is automatically shared with everyone and everything, spreading its light to all the world.  It is indeed fortunate that our salvation rests on our happiness, for thus is it easily fulfilled since joy is our highest motive.

  • We are the light of the world.  Without our joy the world becomes a dark and sad place, and we along with it.  We are Spirit; we are perfect; we are as God created us, and are able to do what He created us to do.  Let us therefore fulfill our essential part in God's plan:  be happy and be the world's salvation.

I and my Creator are One.  *:)

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

June 24th 2014  Lesson 99 

Salvation is my only function here.

  • Intention:  To remember that salvation and my function are one.
  • Practice:  The first Five-minutes of every waking hour as best you can, and remember to repeat today's thought between each practice session.

  • Application: -- Begin with the following words then let the Holy Spirit, who shares your function here, teach you what you need to learn to lay all fear aside and know your Self as Love which has no opposite in you.
    Salvation is my only function here.
    Salvation and forgiveness are the same.

    Forgive all thoughts which would oppose the truth of your completion, unity and peace.  You cannot lose the gifts your Father gave.  You do not want to be another self.  You have no function that is not of God.  Forgive yourself the one your think you made.  Forgiveness and salvation are the same.  Forgive what you have made and you are saved.
    If you are tempted to believe your doubts or fears about who your are and what your function is, remember that appearances regardless of their size, depth or any attribute they seem to have, can not withstand the truth these mighty words contain:

    Salvation is my only function here.
    God still is Love, and this is not His Will.
    Your function tells you you are one.  Remind yourself of this between the times you share five minutes with the Holy Spirit in you.  Thus do you lay forgiveness on your mind and let all fear be gently laid aside, that love may find its rightful place in you Holy Child of God.

  • God created us as the light of the world and gave us our only function--forgiveness.  This is who we are and our happiness comes from fulfilling our function, which is our salvation from illusions.  So who we are, our forgiveness, our happiness, our function, and our salvation are all bound together as one; the loss of one is the loss of them all.  .

  • We are Spirit; we are perfect; we are as God created us, and able to do what He created us to do.  God awaits our acceptance of our part in His plan for salvation.  Let us wait no longer to end the pain and suffering that we know results from accepting other plans.  Let us forgive ourselves our mistakes and find salvation.

I and my Creator are One.  *:)

Monday, June 23, 2014

June 23rd 2014  Lesson 98 

I will accept my part in God's plan for salvation.

  • Intention:  To willingly accept my part in God's plan for salvation, knowing that this is the fulfill my function as the light of  the world, and to be peaceful and happy.
  • Practice:  The first Five-minutes of every waking hour as best you can, but at least remember to repeat today's thoughts each hour.  Be determined to remember!

  • Application: -- Begin these happy exercises with the words and let the Holy Spirit give them the deep conviction and certainty we now lack.
    I will accept my part in God's plan for salvation.

    In each practice period, He will accept your words and give them back to you all bright with faith and confidence so strong and steady they will light the world with hope and gladness.  Do not lose one chance to be the glad receiver of His gifts, that you may give them to the world. today.  Give Him the words and He will enable you to understand your special function; peace and trust will be His gifts, opening up the way to happiness.

    Spend every waking hour of the day in happy preparation for your next practice period.  Repeat today's idea often while you wait for the next practice period, and when your practice time comes be thankful and lay down all earthly tasks, all little thoughts and limited ideas, and spend a happy time again with the Holy Spirit.

    Is it not worth five minutes of your time each hour to be able to accept the happiness that God has given you?  Is it not worth five minutes hourly to recognize your special function here?  Is not five minutes but a small request to make in terms of gaining a reward so great it has no measure?

  • Only God's plan for salvation will work!  I have tried many different plans but none have saved me.  I now dedicate my full willingness to accepting God's plan, which patiently awaits my acceptance.  This is the little willingness it needs to be fulfilled.  My part is small but essential, for though the Holy Spirit does the heavy lifting to guarantee my full release from pain of every kind and joy the world does not contain, my willingness is necessary to complete my function and realize salvation for myself and the world.

  • We are Spirit; we are perfect; we are as God created us, and able to do what He created us to do.  God awaits our acceptance of our part in His plan for salvation.  Let us wait no longer to end the pain and suffering that we know results from accepting other plans.

I and my Creator are One.  *:)

Sunday, June 22, 2014

June 22nd 2014  Lesson 97 

I am spirit.

  • Intention:  To remember to know and to experience my true identity:  I am spirit, one with God and therefore one with all that is.
  • Practice:  The first Five-minutes of every waking hour as best you can, but at least remember to repeat today's thoughts each hour.  Be determined to remember!
  • Application: -- Begin these happy exercises with the words the Holy Spirit speaks to you, and let them echo round the world through Him:
    Spirit am I, a holy Child of God, free of all limits,
    safe and healed and whole, free to forgive, and free to save the world.

    Expressed through you, the Holy Spirit will accept this gift that you received of Him, increase its power and give it back to you.  Offer each practice period today gladly to Him.  And He will speak to you, reminding you that you are spirit, one with Him and God, your brothers and sisters and your Self.  Listen for His assurance every time you speak the words He offers you today, and let Him tell your mind that they are true.  Use them against temptation and escape its sorry consequences if you yield to the belief that you are something else.  The Holy Spirit gives you peace today.  Receive His words, and offer them to Him.

    Each time you practice, awareness is brought a little nearer at least; sometimes a thousand years or more are saved.

  • I am spirit, as opposed to a body, means that I have all the benefits of spirit and none of the limitations of a body.  I am spirit means that I am now and always will be:  eternal, invincible, invulnerable therefore fearless, insuperable, and unlimited by time, space, or causation.  And so is everyone!

  • We are Spirit; we are perfect, in the likeness of our Creator; and we are free, free to choose to be like Him.

I and my Creator are One.  *:)

Saturday, June 21, 2014

June 21st 2014  Lesson 96 

Salvation comes from my one Self.

  • Intention:  To remember that my one Self is the source of my salvation.
  • Practice:  The first Five-minutes of every waking hour as best you can, but at least remember to repeat today's thoughts each hour.  Be determined to remember!
  • Application: -- Begin by offering your mind with all certainty the following assurance:
    Salvation comes from my one Self.  Its Thoughts are mine to use.

    My one Self is my Higher Self, the Self I truly am, as opposed to the make-believe self-image I usually think I am.  I am  as God created me, one Self, one with Himself and with every aspect of creation.  Let me seek the thoughts of my Higher Self and claim them as my own, for they are the thoughts of my function, my peace, my happiness and salvation.  In silence, let me find my Higher Self, listen and accept its thoughts as my own, for It alone remembers who I really am and It alone can restore my memory.

    Each time today I tell my frantic mind salvation comes from my one Self, I lay another treasure in my growing store.  And all of it is given everyone who asks for it, and will accept the gift.  This much is given me today to give that it may be given back to my self!

  • The thoughts of salvation are the thoughts that remind us that we are one with our creator, limitless in power and in peace; thoughts that bring to our awareness that we are asleep in a self-made dream world, where things appear to be what they are not and are not what they appear to be.  The thoughts of salvation are the thoughts of awakening, of remembering that we are as God created us and cannot be other than that.  Thoughts that reveal to our split minds that we are gods; that the problems we seem to have are unreal and that truth and illusion cannot be reconciled, so we need not spend anymore time trying to reconcile the impossible.  These are the thoughts that can save us from the apparent reality of our dreams and awaken us to the truth that we are one Self.

  • We are Spirit; we are perfect, we are free, free to choose to be like our Creator.

I and my Creator are One.  *:)