Sunday, June 14, 2015

June 13th 2014  Lesson 39

My holiness is my salvation. 

We have already said that your holiness is the salvation of the world.  What about your own salvation?  You cannot give what you do not have.  A savior must be saved.  How else can he teach salvation?  Today's exercises will apply to you, recognizing that your salvation is crucial to the salvation of the world.  As you apply the exercises to your world, the whole world stands to benefit.

Your holiness is the answer to every question that was ever asked, is being asked now, or will be asked in the future.  Your holiness means the end of guilt, and therefore the end of hell.  Your holiness is the salvation of the world, and your own.  How could you to whom your holiness belongs be excluded from it?  God does not know un-holiness.  Can it be He does not know His Son?

  • Intention:  A full five minutes are urged for the four longer practice periods for today, and longer and more frequent practice sessions are encouraged.  If you want to exceed the minimum requirements, more rather than longer sessions are recommended, although both are suggested. 
  • Practice:  Begin the practice periods as usual, by repeating today's idea to yourself.  Then, with closed eyes, search out your unloving thoughts in whatever form they appear; uneasiness, depression, anger, fear, worry, attack, insecurity and so on.  Whatever form they take, they are unloving and therefore fearful.  And so it is from them that you need to be saved.

    Specific situations, events or personalities you associate with unloving thoughts of any kind are suitable subjects for today's exercises.  It is imperative for your salvation that you see them differently.  And it is your blessing on them that will save you and give you vision.

    Slowly, without conscious selection and without undue emphasis on any one in particular, search your mind for every thought that stands between you and your salvation. Apply the idea for today to each of them in this way
    My unloving thoughts about ______ are keeping me in hell
    My holiness is my salvation.
    You may find these practice periods easier if you intersperse them with several short periods during which you merely repeat today's idea to yourself slowly a few times. You may also find it helpful to include a few short intervals in which you just relax and do not seem to be thinking of anything. Sustained concentration is very difficult at first. It will become much easier as your mind becomes more disciplined and less distracted.

    Meanwhile, you should feel free to introduce variety into the exercise periods in whatever form appeals to you. Do not, however, change the idea itself as you vary the method of applying it. However you elect to use it, the idea should be stated so that its meaning is the fact that your holiness is your salvation. End each practice period by repeating the idea in its original form once more, and adding
    If guilt is hell, what is its opposite?
  • Application:  In the shorter applications, which should be made some three or four times an hour and more if possible, you may ask yourself this question, repeat today's idea, and preferably both.  If temptations arise, a particularly helpful form of the idea is:
    My holiness is my salvation from this. 

  • It is guiltiness that keeps us in the dream of our waking lives.  It is guiltiness that rests upon our minds and which cause us to make and believe in the thoughts, images, and situations we imagine we are limited by, and which we project into the outer world of the waking dream we call "reality."  The guiltiness we feel is the only "hell" there is, for it denies our inherent, God-given holiness.  We are children of God, and remain as He created us.  To think that we are less than holy is to think that our all knowing Creator did not know the potential of his creations and that He created us with errors.  This is arrogance at worst, and fantasy at best.  Our salvation lies in our holiness, which comes from God and is therefore infallible.
I and my Creator are One.  *:)

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