June 1st 2014 Lesson 30
God is in everything I see because God is in my mind.
Today's idea is the springboard for vision. From this idea will the world open up before you, and you will look upon it and see in it what you have never seen before. Nor will what you saw before be even faintly visible to you.Today we are trying to use a new kind of "projection." We are not attempting to get rid of what we do not like by seeing it outside. Instead, we are trying to see in the world what is in our minds, and what we want to recognize is there. Thus, we are trying to join with what we see, rather than keeping it apart from us. That is the fundamental difference between vision and the way you see.
- Intention: Apply today's idea as often as possible throughout the day.
- Practice: Whenever
you have a moment or so, repeat today's idea to yourself slowly, looking about
you and trying to realize that the idea applies to everything you do see
now, or could see now if it were within the range of your sight.
- Application: Real
vision is not limited by space and distance, nor does it depend on the
body's eyes, so apply today's idea to things "near" and "far", "seen"
and "unseen," real" and "unreal," with eyes closed or opened, so that
you become accustomed to the idea that the mind is the only source of
vision. Devote several practice periods to applying today's idea with your eyes closed, using whatever subjects come to mind, and looking within rather than without. Today's idea applies to both.
- Today's idea reveals the mind as the true source of vision, which now allows us to understand more clearly the basis of the first lesson of the workbook. Nothing we see with the body's eyes has any meaning, because it is all imagined by our minds; in other words what we "see" in the world is simply a projection of what is in our minds. And because we believe this projection to be real, that is how we experience it. Just as when we dream, our self created dream world seems to be real and while we dream, for all intents and purposes, it is real to us.
Now, having located the source of vision in our minds, we can use our projection not to hide what is in our minds, but to recognize it, acknowledge it, and eventually forgive it, as we begin to understand why we made it.
I and my Creator are One. 

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