June 15th 2014 Lesson 41
God goes with me wherever I go.
Today's idea will eventually overcome completely the sense of loneliness and abandonment all the separated ones experience. Depression, anxiety, worry, a deep sense of helplessness, misery, suffering, and intense fear of loss are the inevitable consequence of separation. Yet, deep within you is everything that is perfect, ready to radiate throughout and out into the world. It will cure all sorrow and pain and fear and loss because it will heal the mind that thought these things were real, and suffered out of its allegiance to them.You can never be deprived of your perfect holiness because its Source goes with you wherever you go. You can never suffer because the Source of all joy goes with you wherever you go. You can never be alone because the Source of all life goes with you wherever you go. Nothing can destroy your peace of mind because God goes with you wherever you go. We understand that you do not believe all this. How could you, when the truth is hidden deep within, under a heavy cloud of insane thoughts, dense and obscuring, yet representing all you see? Today we will make our first real attempt to get past this dark and heave cloud, and to go through it to the light beyond.
- Intention: Only one long practice period is required today, and frequent slow repetitions of the idea throughout the day. If possible, do the long practice in the morning as soon as you get up, by sitting quietly for some three to five minutes with your eyes closed.
- Practice: At the beginning of the long practice period, repeat today's idea very slowly. Then make no effort to think of anything. Try, instead, to get a sense of turning inward, past all the idle thoughts of the world Try to enter very deeply into your own mind, keeping it clear of any thoughts that might divert your attention. From time to time, repeat today's idea if you find it helpful. But most of all, try to sink down and inward, away from the world and all the foolish thoughts of the world. You are trying to reach past all these things. You are trying to leave appearances and approach reality.
- Application: It is quite possible to reach
God. In fact it is very easy, because it is the most natural thing in
the world. You might even say it is the only natural thing in the
world. The way will open, if you believe that it is possible. During the short practice periods, think of what you are saying; what the words mean. Concentrate on the holiness that they imply about; on the unfailing companionship that is yours; on the complete protection that surrounds you. You can indeed afford to laugh at fear thoughts remembering that God goes with you wherever you go.
- With today's
lesson, we are now exploring what it means to always have God with us, indeed, what it means to be God. This is the knowledge that all of life is really one unified whole, and we are inherently and inescapably that one thing. Or, if we still wish to think of ourselves as a part of the unified whole, then we can say that the unified whole is always with us wherever we go because we are inextricably one with it. This thought puts and end to the idea of separation, for there is nothing to be separate from if you are one with everything. It eliminated anxiety, worry, helplessness, misery, suffering, fear and loss, indeed, all the "ills of the world" because unity and separation cannot coexist, so one and only one of them must be real.
Even though the truth that unity is the only thing that makes any real sense and must therefore be the logical reality, we frighteningly cling to the painful belief in our "senses" and "instincts" for our salvation, even though we realize that our senses serve only to keep us in the world of illusions, at least for a little while, for who can escape the grand and final illusion called death. We are like moths attracted to and believing in that which repeatedly burns and scorches us. Or like a fly determined to get through a window by repeatedly and hopelessly banging its head against the glass.
We must step away from the illusion of our perceptions. We must unplug ourselves from the matrix we perceive to be the world by deciding to not believe in what we seem to perceive, realizing finally its illusory nature: Nothing that we perceive is what it appears to be, nothing!. This realization is the way out of the matrix for it allows us to quietly detach from our belief in illusions and awake to the truth of unity.
I and my Creator are One. 

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