May 8th 2014 Lesson 11
My meaningless thoughts are showing me
a meaningless world.
This is the first idea we have had that is related to a major phase of the correction process; the reversal of the thinking of the world. It seems as if the world determines what you perceive. Today's idea introduces the concept that your thoughts determine the world you see. Be glad indeed to practice today's idea for in it is your release made sure. The key to forgiveness lies in it.- Intention: A minimum of three but no more than five practice periods are recommended, with each lasting about a minute or so.
- Practice: Begin with your eyes open and say today's idea slowly to yourself. Then open your eyes and continue repeating the idea, without haste, urgency or effort; looking about you, near and far, up and down, anywhere. On concluding the exercise, close your eyes and repeat today's idea once more slowly to yourself.
- Application: For maximum benefit, the eyes should move from one thing to another fairly rapidly, without lingering on anything in particular, and the words should be said in an unhurried, even leisurely fashion. Remember to practice today's idea as casually as possible. It contains the foundation of the peace, relaxation and freedom for worry that we are trying to achieve.
- This is the first steps of awakening, where everything we thought we knew, and believed is about to change. Just like waking up from a dream, where we begin to recognize that something fundamental is changing; the world is not what it seemed to be a minute ago, and is morphing into something other. Is it the world, or is it me that is changing? If it is the world that is changing, then it means that I really did not understand it at all. And if it is me that is changing, then the world must be like a mirror that I am looking into and seeing it change according to the changes in my thinking. This is literally a world changing concept: The world is my mirror; it is as I am. Ponder that for a while.
I and my Creator are One. 

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