May 13th 2014 Lesson 14
God did not create a meaningless world.
Today's idea is, of course, the reason why a meaningless world is impossible. What God did not create does not exist, and everything that does exist exists as He created it. The world we see has nothing to do with reality. It is of our own making, and it does not exist.Today's idea is another step in learning to let go of the thoughts that we have written on the world, and see the World of God in their place. The ideas of these early lessons are the steps to our salvation and can be quite difficult and painful because they completely contradict our current beliefs about reality. But stay the course, for our direction is towards perfect safety and perfect peace.
- Intention: Three
practice periods are recommended, but feel free to do more if you find them comfortable. Each practice period should lasting a minute at most,
- Practice: With eyes closed, think of all the horrors in the world that cross your mind. Name each one as it occurs to you, then deny its reality. God did not create it, and so it is not real. Say for example:
God did not create that war, and so it is not real.These things are part of the world you see. Some of them are shared illusions, and others are part of your personal hell. It does not matter. What God did not create can only be a meaningless fantasy in your own mind apart from His. In recognition of this fact, conclude the practice periods by repeating today's idea
God did not create that airplane crash, and so it is not real.
God did not create that disaster [specify], and so it is not real.
God did not create a meaningless world. - Application: Suitable subjects for the application of today's idea also include anything you are afraid might happen to you, or to anyone about whom you are concerned. In each case, name the "disaster" quite specifically. Do not use general terms. For example do not say " God did not create illness," but, "God did not create cancer," or heart attacks, or whatever may arouse fear in you. Today's idea can, of course, be applied to anything that disturbs you during the day. Be very specific in applying it. Say:
God did not create a meaningless world.
He did not create [specify the disturbance], and so it is not real.
- A meaningless world is a world of randomness or chance; a world of duality, a world of uncertainty, of pain and suffering. God did not create a meaningless world, and only what God created exists;
all else is illusion, fantasy and dreams. Therefore if we see a
meaningless world, (or meaninglessness in anything for that matter) we
are seeing illusion, we are quite literally seeing what is not there.
This is not an easy concept for us to accept, but it is one that we must
begin to approach if we are to experience the world as God created it,
as opposed to what we made of it.
To recognize something as meaningless is to recognize that it is not real; that it is an illusion. Illusions are neither good or bad, they are simply unreal, so we have no reason to be upset by them or afraid of them, so long as we recognize them as illusions. If we do not recognize an illusion as an illusion, it can indeed make us upset and fearful. A nightmare, for example, is an illusion that we believe is real while we are dreaming, and so we are afraid of it. But the basis for this fear is entirely removed when we awake and realize that we were only dreaming. The solution for the fear we feel with respect to illusions then, is simply to recognize them as illusions and not as reality.
The world we made by giving our meaning to God's creation is the basis for our most fundamental fear, the fear of "death." The guilt we feel for having superimposed our meaning onto God's creation literally engenders in us the fear of death, for God is our creator, and He alone can, if He want to, "uncreate" us as punishment for us having made His creation a "living hell" for ourselves. This fear (often subconscious) is based on our belief in a vengeful and punishing God. Remove this basis and we remove the basis for all fear. In truth, we are one with God so it is inconceivable that God who is all-mighty, all-knowing, and all-present need seek vengeance at all. And it is even less conceivable that He seek vengeance on His own creation who is a part of Himself. Furthermore, it is impossible to conceive that God would seek vengeance on us by punishing his own Self. The belief in a vengeful God is just a story we made up and made ourselves believe, it is the meaning we made up about who/what we think God is. This is make-believe; illusion; fantasy!
What God did not create does not exist and is therefore an illusion! Realize (make real) this one idea and all fear is removed.
I and my Creator are One. 

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