March 24th 2014 Epilogue
Epilogue and Final Comments.
So here we are at the end of our study of A Course in Miracles Workbook, where a summary and final comments seems appropriate. How have we benefited from this experience and what are the main points we should take with us as we continue our spiritual awakening.
The immediate benefits we have gained are a clearer, more mature understanding about who God is, who we are, and the quality of our relationship with God. This leads therefore to a better understanding of our purpose in this human life experience--salvation through forgiveness. It also reminds us that we are not alone for we have the invincible help of the Holy Spirit within us, and as we learn to follow His guidance we walk more surely and quickly along the path of awakening to our true identity as the holy children of God.
Forgiveness is the awareness that all that seemed to have happened is really only an illusion. An elaborate, convincing, and persistent illusion, but an illusion nonetheless. It is only by understanding the events of the world in this context that we can truly forgive, for by this awareness, we realize that there is nothing to forgive. The world appears as it does because of what we believe about God and ourselves, and it will change as we change our beliefs. God created everything, including us, perfect, and what He created remains as He created it, perfect, Spirit, and free. Forgiveness is necessary because we believe that error and "sin" are possible, and it becomes obsolete when we remember God's perfection and our own. From this perspective there is no insufficiency, no imperfection, and no need for defense or attack, for all is well and wisely set. Unity, harmony, joy, peace and love are the truths that become increasingly apparent as we use forgiveness to remember our true identity.
Even though our true nature as gods is like an unquenchable pilot light within us, it is presently overshadowed by our belief that we are bodies. Yet our study has fanned the flames of this truth and we can never fully return to the previous ignorance of our true identity. We are now more sure that salvation is possible, and we are not alone in this endeavor because we have the ever-present guidance of the invincible Holy Spirit, on Whom we can depend to guide our steps. Our maturity of understanding means that we can now transcend all teachings about God because we acknowledge and increasingly recognize Him in everything in creation, without exception. Our goal of salvation then is through the forgiveness of the world and ourselves, which naturally increases peace, joy, and harmony with everyone and everything. This is how we will remember ourselves.
Let us therefore keep the lamp of truth lit in our hearts by regular communion with the Holy Spirit every day, and for a moment or two every hour that we can, thus ensuring a quick awakening to our true identity. Let our awareness of Him be in our minds after arising, before retiring at night, and throughout the day. He is our guide so the more we let Him lead us, the quicker and more gentle will be our awakening.
- Intention:
To remember above all else that we are the holy children of God and
that He is one with us all. He knows our true identity and offers us
constant guidance through the Holy Spirit, the Voice for God, and
salvation through our forgiveness.
- Practice:
Twice daily, let us be as free of words as possible, using them at the
beginning of our practice only to remind us that we seek to go beyond
them. Morning and evening let us turn to Him in silence and listen to
His Voice within us. And again for a few moments each hour in silence,
remembering the peace of His presence within us.
- Application:
God is our salvation, let us dedicate our minds and hearts to Him and
Him alone, and by this one-pointed dedication find in Him all our
brothers and the whole creation in the peaceful harmony of unity.
Lesson 361-365
This holy instant would I give to You.
Be You in charge. For I would follow You,
Certain that Your direction gives me peace. - Invitation Prayer: And
if I need a word to help me, He will give it to me. If I need a
thought, that will He also give. And if I need but stillness and a
tranquil, open mind, these are the gifts I will receive of Him. He is
in charge by my request. And He will hear and answer me, because He
speaks for God my Father and His holy Son.
- Remember the peace of God is in everyone and everything, so forgive everyone and everything so that we may forgive ourselves and remember our true identity as the holy children of God.
I and my Creator are One. 

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