March 1st 2014 Lesson 347
Part II Introduction
We will continue spending time with God each morning and night and at each waking hour, using all future lessons as introductions to the times in which we leave the world of pain, and go to enter peace, calling to God when we have need of Him as we are tempted to forget our goal. During these holy times, we will say some simple words of welcome, and expect our Father to reveal Himself to us, as He has promised that He would when we invited Him.
This is how our times with Him will now be spent: we say the words of invitation that His Voice suggests, and then we wait for Him to come to us. Sit silently and wait upon your Father. He has willed to come to you when you have recognized it is your will He do so. We need only call to God, and all temptations disappear. Instead of words, we need but feel His Love. Instead of prayers, we need but call His Name. Instead of judging, we need but be still and let all things be healed.
Our lessons will now be preceded by a theme of special relevance that we should review before each lesson until another is given us. They should be slowly read and thought about a little while, preceding one of the holy times we sit in silence and wait for God to reveal Himself to us. The next of these special thoughts follow and are relevant to lessons 341 - 350:13. What Is a Miracle?
A miracle is a correction. It does not create, nor really change at all. It merely looks on devastation, and reminds the mind that what it sees is false. It undoes error, but does not attempt to go beyond perception, nor exceed the function of forgiveness. Thus it stays within time's limits. Yet it paves the way for the return of timelessness and love's awakening, for fear must slip away under the gentle remedy it brings.
A miracle contains the gift of grace, for it is given and received as one. And thus it illustrates the law of truth the world does not obey, because it fails entirely to understand its ways. A miracle inverts perception which was upside down before, and thus it ends the strange distortions that were manifest. Now is perception open to the truth. Now is forgiveness seen as justified.
Forgiveness is the home of miracles. The eyes of Christ deliver them to all they look upon in mercy and in love. Perception stands corrected in His sight, and what was meant to curse has come to bless. Each lily of forgiveness offers all the world the silent miracle of love. And each is laid before the Word of God, upon the universal altar to Creator and creation in the light of perfect purity and endless joy.
The miracle is taken first on faith, because to ask for it implies the mind has been made ready to conceive of what it cannot see and does not understand. Yet faith will bring its witnesses to show that what it rested on is really there. And thus the miracle will justify your faith in it, and show it rested on a world more real than what you saw before; a world redeemed from what you thought was there.
Miracles fall like drops of healing rain from Heaven on a dry and dusty world, where starved and thirsty creatures come to die. Now they have water. Now the world is green. And everywhere the signs of life spring up, to show that what is born can never die, for what has life has immortality.
Lesson 347
Anger must come from judgment. Judgment is the weapon I would use against myself, to keep the miracle away from me.
- Invitation Prayer: Father, I want what goes against my will, and do not want what is my will to have. Straighten my mind, my Father. It is sick. But You have offered freedom, and I choose to claim Your gift today. And so I give all judgment to the One You gave to me to judge for me. He sees what I behold, and yet He knows the truth. He looks on pain, and yet He understands it is not real, and in His understanding it is healed. He gives the miracles my dreams would hide from my awareness. Let Him judge today. I do not know my will, but He is sure it is Your Own. And He will speak for me, and call Your miracles to come to me.
- Listen today. Be very still, and hear the gentle Voice for God assuring you that He has judged you as the Son He loves.
- When we do not know what something is or what it means, we are neutral to it. We have no judgement about it, so we cannot be angry, happy or sad, etc., about it. Yet when we think we know something and invest it with our meanings and judgments, only then can we have an emotional response to it. Anger is a clear indication that we have judged against something. Now what if the information we think we know about a thing is incorrect, or our judgement about it is wrong? That certainly makes our anger baseless, and therefore unjustified. But more importantly, our incorrect judgment encourages us to be attracted to what is really not beneficial to us, and repulses us from what is beneficial. This is an unfortunate situation to be in for we are misguided by what we think we understand and believe. The solution though is to realize that we simply cannot judge, firstly because judgment is not our function, it belongs to the Holy Spirit. Secondly, it is impossible for us to even comprehend all the variables involved in a particular situation, far less to parse the relationships of these variables to deduce an objective and impartial result that is not only fair to everyone involved, but supports their edification now and for all time. This is a glimpse of the immense calculations that are involved in judgment, and why it is not our function to do. We need but surrender all judgments to the Holy Spirit within us whose function it is to judge, and accept His answers as ours. He knows all and understands clearly what our limited perceptions do not, for that is His function. And because He has our best interests at heart, we can be certain that His judgments will bring the miracles we need, but which our perceptions hide.
I and my Creator are One. 

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