October 2nd 2014 Lesson 198
Only my condemnation injures me.
- Intention: To remember that all forms of suffering are hiding an unforgiving thought, and there is no form of pain forgiveness cannot heal.
- Practice:
Twice today, let us go to that quiet place within our hearts and minds
where the Light and Love and Joy of God abides. In that place of
safety, let us remember with gratitude the oneness we share with Him who
is our Creator and with all of creation. And when we return to the world of
form, let us with gratitude, give a little time each hour to practice forgiveness in the form
of today's lesson, applying it to whatever is happening in that hour and
releasing all concerns when the hour passes, so that the next hour is
free of the one before.
- Application: Forgiveness is the only road that leads out of disaster, past all suffering, and finally away from death. How could there be another way, when this one is the plan of God Himself. Today we practice letting freedom come to make its home with us through these words:
Only my condemnation injures me.
Only my own forgiveness sets me free.
Injury is impossible. Yet in the world of illusions we think we can condemn, therefore we think we can be injured. Condemn and you are made a prisoner. Forgive and you are freed. Such is the law that rules perception. In truth, it is impossible to condemn, but through illusions, we believe that we can, and so the effects our illusions seem to have continue until we lay them down as valueless, unwanted and unreal.
Except for forgiveness, all Illusions generate more illusions. Forgiveness is illusion that is answer to the rest. It sweeps all other dreams away, and though it is itself a dream, it breeds no others. All illusions save this one must multiply a thousandfold. But this is where illusions end. Forgiveness is the end of dreams, because it is a dream of waking. It is not itself the truth. Yet does it point to where the truth must be, and gives direction with the certainty of God Himself. It is a dream in which the Son of God awakens to his Self and to his Father, knowing They are one.
Accept the one illusion which proclaims there is no condemnation in God's Son, and Heaven is remembered instantly; the world forgotten, and its weird beliefs forgotten with it, as the face of Christ appears unveiled at last in this one dream. This is the gift the Holy Spirit holds for you from God your Father. .
- Today's idea identifies the source of all the problems we face in the world—condemnation, and presents the one solution to them all—forgiveness. It may be debilitating to think that our own thoughts are the source of all our problems, but at the same time it empowers us with the solution that all we need do is forgive. Condemnation rests on the illusion of separation from God and from all of creation and thus is it given reality. All we need do to remember who we really are is to practice letting go of condemnation in all its forms, and cling to forgiveness, forgiving ourselves for all the illusions we hold about the world. Embrace forgiveness; forgive all that seems to be wrong in ourselves and in the world and what will appear, as forgiveness wipes away the illusions, is the purity of our true Self, as God created us.
- God is omnipresent; present in every aspect of creation, so how can it be possible for there to be some part of creation that is worthy of condemnation? Such perception then can only result from concepts based on illusions. It cannot be true, for there is nothing outside of God's creation and everything within creation is as pure and perfect as God is. This is the truth, and it will manifest in our awareness, more and more, as we let go of our belief in separation and condemnation. We have only to forgive the illusion of separation to realize that condemnation is useless.
I and my Creator are One.

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