October 1st 2014 Lesson 197
It can be but my gratitude I earn.
- Intention: To remember that not only is it impossible that we be hurt except by our own thoughts, but more importantly it is only our thoughts that can benefit us.
- Practice:
Twice today, let us go to that quiet place within our hearts and minds
where the Light and Love and Joy of God abides. In that place of
safety, let us remember with gratitude the oneness we share with Him who
is our Creator and with all of creation. And when we return to the world of
form, let us with gratitude, give a little time each hour to practice forgiveness in the form
of today's lesson, applying it to whatever is happening in that hour and
releasing all concerns when the hour passes, so that the next hour is
free of the one before.
- Application:
When we are aware that there is only one of us we will not attempt to
harm ourselves, nor make our bodies slave to vengeance, nor exact any requirement, payment, or even thanks from others, for we will know that what we give to others we give to ourselves, and what we deny others we deny ourselves. We will no longer associate guilt with salvation, for oneness removes all fear, and when fear is gone, there is no need for guilt. Salvation now becomes free, and we along with it. Our release from illusions is mirrored in the world. By accepting the atonement for ourselves, the world is freed from our illusions.
We have no need that the world even acknowledges our gift. It does not matter if another thinks your gifts unworthy. In his mind there is a part that joins with yours in thanking you. it does not matter if your gifts seem lost and ineffectual. They are received where they are given. In your gratitude are they accepted universally, and thankfully acknowledged by the Heart of God Himself. And would you take them back, when He has gratefully accepted them? God blesses every gift you give to Him, and every gift is given Him, because it can be given only to yourself. Withdraw the gifts you give, and you will think that what is given you has been withdrawn. But learn to let forgiveness take away the sins you think you see outside yourself, and you can never think the gifts of God are lent but for a little while, before He snatches them away again in death. For death will have no meaning for you then.
And with the end of this belief is fear forever over. Thanks be to you, the holy Son of God. For as you were created, you contain all things within your Self. And you are still as God created you. Nor can you dim the light of your perfection. In your heart the Heart of God is laid. He hold you dear, because you are Himself. All gratitude belongs to you, because of what you are. Give thanks as you receive it. Be you free of all ingratitude to anyone who makes your Self complete. And from this Self is no one left outside. Give thanks for all the countless channels which extend this Self. All that you do is given unto Him. All that you think can only be His Thoughts, sharing with Him the holy Thoughts of God.
- The understanding of our inherent oneness with all things and with God is the basis for our relinquishment of the mad idea of attack, and acceptance of the divine idea of forgiveness. Forgiveness becomes meaningful as our function when we recognize at last that there is no other, or that all apparent "others" are just parts of our one Self. We are who we are as God created us, as part of Himself. To deny our oneness is to accept the mad idea that attack is a means to salvation. To accept our oneness is to banish fear from our hearts and forgive the world for all we though it did to us. We cannot be one with God and at the same time be victims of the world. We are the holy Children of God and so are co-creators of the world. Forgiveness is all we need to remember that this is who we really are.
I and my Creator are One.

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