Friday, July 3, 2015

July 3rd 2015  Review I 

Lesson 56
Review of Lessons 26 - 30 

  • Intention:  Begin the day by reading the five ideas, with the comments included.  Thereafter, it is not necessary to follow any particular order in considering them, though each one should be practiced at least once.  Devote two minutes or more to each practice period, thinking about the idea and the related comments after reading them over.  Do this as often as possible during the day.  If any one of the five ideas appeals to you more than the other, concentrate on that one.  At the end of the day, however, be sure to review all of them once more.
  • Practice:  It is not necessary to cover the comments that follow each idea either literally or thoroughly in the practice periods.  Try, rather, to emphasize the central point of each comment and how it relates to its associated idea.  After reading each idea and its related comments, the exercise should be done with your eyes closed and if possible, when you are alone in a quiet place
  •  Application:  The purpose of your learning is to enable you to bring the quiet with you, and to heal distress and turmoil.  This is not done by avoiding them and seeking a haven of isolation for yourself.  You will yet learn that peace is part of you, and requires only that you be there to embrace any situation in which you are.  And finally you will learn that there is no limit to where you are, so that your peace is everywhere, as you are.

    You will note that, for review purposes, some of the ideas are not given in quite their original form.  Use them as they are given here.  It is not necessary to return to the original statements, nor to apply the ideas as was suggested then.  We are now emphasizing the relationships among the first fifty of the ideas we have covered, and the cohesiveness of the thought system to which they are

(26)  My attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability.

How can I know who I am when I see myself as under constant attack?  Pain, illness, loss, age and death seem to threaten me.  All my hopes and wishes and plans appear to be at the mercy of a world I cannot control.  Yet perfect security and complete fulfillment are my inheritance.  I have tried to give my inheritance away in exchange for the world I see.  But God has kept my inheritance safe for me. My own real thoughts will teach me what it is.

(27)  Above all else I want to see.
Recognizing that what I see reflects what I think I am, I realize that vision is my greatest need.  The world I see attests to the fearful nature of the self-image I have made.  If I would remember who I am, it is essential that I let this image of myself go.  As it is replaced by truth, vision will surely be given me.  And with this vision, I will look upon the world and on my self with charity and love.
(28)  Above all else I want to see differently.
The world I see holds my fearful self-image in place, and guarantees its continuance.  While I see the world as I see it now, truth cannot enter my awareness.  I would let the door behind this world be opened for me, that I may look past it to the world that reflects the Love of God.  
(29)  God is in everything I see.
Behind every image I have made, the truth remains unchanged.  Behind every veil I have drawn across the face of love, its light remains undimmed.  Beyond all my insane wishes is my will, united with the Will of my Father.  God is everywhere and in everything forever.  And we who are part of Him will yet look past all appearances, and recognize the truth beyond them all.

(30)  God is in everything I see because God is in my mind.
In my own mind, behind all my insane thoughts of separation and attack, is the knowledge that all is one forever.  I have not lost the knowledge of Who I am because I have forgotten it.  It has been kept for me in the Mind of God, Who has not left His Thoughts.  And I, who am among them, am one with them and one with Him.

  • Today's ideas stress the invulnerability of God's plan for our salvation which guarantees our remembrance of Him, and of our relationship to Him.  God is omnipresent so everything regardless of appearances is simply an expression His glory.  Our challenge is to remember that we too are part of this ubiquitous oneness so there is nothing that we need be afraid of.  With fear gone, we can now appreciated the paradoxical beauty of the infinite individual expressions of the one unified whole.
I and my Creator are One.  *:)

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