July 20th 2015 Lesson 67
Love created me like itself.
Today's idea is a complete and accurate statement of what you are. This is why you are the light of the world. This is why God appointed you as the world's savior. This is why the Son of God looks to you for his salvation. He is saved by what you are. We will make every effort today to reach this truth about you, and to realize fully, if only for a moment, that it is the truth.- Intention: It will be particularly helpful today to practice today's idea as often as you can. Four or five times an hour, and perhaps even more, for the shorter practice periods would be most beneficial to remind yourself that love create you like itself. You need to hear the truth about yourself as frequently as possible, because your mind is so preoccupied with false self-images.
- Practice: In
the longer ten to fifteen minute practice period, we will think about
your reality and its wholly unchanged and unchangeable nature. We will
begin by repeating this truth about you, then spend a few minutes adding some relevant thoughts, such as:
:Holiness created me holy.Kindness created me kind.
Helpfulness created me helpful.
Perfection created me perfect.
Any attribute which is in accord with God as He defines Himself is appropriate for use. We are trying today to undo your definition of God and replace it with His Own. We are also trying to emphasize that you are part of His definition of Himself.
After you have gone over several such related thoughts, try to let all thoughts drop away for a brief preparatory interval, and then try to reach past all your images and preconceptions about yourself to the truth in you. If love created you like itself, this Self must be in you. And somewhere in your mind It is there for you to find.
You may find it necessary to repeat the idea for today from time to time to replace distracting thoughts. You may also find that this is not sufficient, and that you need to continue adding other thoughts related to the truth about yourself. Yet perhaps you will succeed in going past that, and through the interval of thoughtlessness to the awareness of a blazing light in which you recognize yourself as love created you.
Be confident that you will do much today to bring that awareness nearer, whether you feel you have succeeded or not.
- Application: In the shorter practice
periods, try to realize that this is not your tiny, solitary voice telling you that love created you like itself.
This is the Voice for God, reminding you of your Father and of your
Self. This is the Voice of truth, replacing everything that the ego
tells you about yourself with the simple truth about the Son of God.
You were created by love like itself.
- Today's lesson emphasizes the true definition of God as Love. And we, the holy children of God, His one creation, must be as He is--Love. God can give to His creation only what He is, and we, His creation can only have what He gave us. Just like a duck produces ducklings, fish produce fish, humans produce humans, so are we created from God can only be gods. This is our undeniable inheritance, whatever God is, that we are as well. It is of utmost importance that we have the true definition of God and our relationship to Him, if we wish to know our true identity. Are we the children of God or were we created by some other entity? The logical answer to this is apparent, for God created all that exists, so we who exist must be, in the least, a part of His creation, or in the most, His only creation. It is time we come to terms with our true identity and stop fronting that we are something we are not. We cannot be sinful, weak, powerless, or mortal, for that is not what God is. We are His progeny and must be like He is, Love!
I and my Creator are One.

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