January 21st 2014 Lesson 308
Part II Introduction
We will continue spending time with God each morning and night and at each waking hour, using all future lessons as introductions to the times in which we leave the world of pain, and go to enter peace, calling to God when we have need of Him as we are tempted to forget our goal. During these holy times, we will say some simple words of welcome, and expect our Father to reveal Himself to us, as He has promised that He would when we invited Him.
This is how our times with Him will now be spent: we say the words of invitation that His Voice suggests, and then we wait for Him to come to us. Sit silently and wait upon your Father. He has willed to come to you when you have recognized it is your will He do so. We need only call to God, and all temptations disappear. Instead of words, we need but feel His Love. Instead of prayers, we need but call His Name. Instead of judging, we need but be still and let all things be healed.
Our lessons will now be preceded by a theme of special relevance that we should review before each lesson until another is given us. They should be slowly read and thought about a little while, preceding one of the holy times we sit in silence and wait for God to reveal Himself to us. The next of these special thoughts follow and are relevant to lessons 301 - 310:9. What Is the Second Coming
Christ's Second Coming, which is sure as God, is merely the correction of mistakes, and the return of sanity. It is a part of the condition that restores the never lost, and re-establishes what is forever and forever true. It is the invitation to God's Word to take illusion's place; the willingness to let forgiveness rest upon all things without exception and without reserve.
It is the all-inclusive nature of Christ's Second Coming that permits it to embrace the world and hold you safe within its gentle advent, which encompasses all living things with you. There is no end to the release the Second Coming brings, as God's creation must be limitless. Forgiveness lights the Second Coming's way, because it shines on everything as one. And thus is oneness recognized at last.
The Second Coming ends the lessons that the Holy Spirit teaches, making way for the Last Judgment, in which learning ends in one last summary that will extend beyond itself, and reaches up to God. The Second Coming is the time in which all minds are given to the hands of Christ, to be returned to spirit in the name of true creation and the Will of God.
The Second Coming is the one event in time which time itself can not affect. For every one who ever came to die, or yet will come or who is present now, is equally released from what he made. In this equality is Christ restored as one Identity, in which the Sons of God acknowledge that they all are one. And God the Father smiles upon His Son, His one creation and His only joy.
Pray that the Second Coming will be soon, but do not rest with that. It needs your eyes and ears and hands and feet. It needs your voice. And most of all it needs your willingness. Let us rejoice that we can do God's Will, and join together in its holy light. Behold, the Son of God is one in us, and we can reach our Father's Love through Him
Lesson 308
This instant is the only time there is
- I have conceived of time in such a way that I defeat my aim. If I elect to reach past time to timelessness, I must change my perception of what time is for. Time's purpose cannot be to keep the past and future one. The only interval in which I can be saved from time is now. For in this instant has forgiveness come to set me free. The birth of Christ is now, without a past or future. He has come to give His present blessing to the world, restoring it to timelessness and love. And love is ever-present, here and now.
- Invitation Prayer: Thanks for this instant, Father. It is now I am redeemed. This instant is the time You have appointed for Your Son's release, and for salvation of the world in him.
- We experience time in a sequential manner: past to present to future, yet this is only our perception, for all that happens, ever happened, and ever will happen, can only happen in the present. Every moment is a moment of now happening in this present moment--the now-moment, but our perception aligns these now-moments in a linear sequence which allows us to define past and future with respect to any particular now-moment. Every past and future moment is a now-moment. If for instance, we define the first day of the year as the current now-moment, then the past is every now-moment that came before it, and the future is every now-moment that follows it. No moment of time is different from any other moment of time; they are all identical, but by labeling some of them as past and others as future we can uniquely identify each now-moment according to its proximity to the current now-moment. Because each moment in time is identical, every moment is happening simultaneously in the only real time--the present.
What this all means is that time does not exist, it is an illusion, a fabrication, a system of organizing what is unified into separate distinct linear pieces. Time is an illusion that separates us from eternity, allowing us to live and experience life only as a sequence of distinct linear pieces. Knowing that everything is happening simultaneously, means that our "birth" and "death" and every now-moment in between exists in the present now as a "place", a state of mind, a memory that we can experience. And furthermore, there are now-moments for every choice we could possibly make in every now-moment. An analogy would be a video game disk that has all the possibilities already programmed and existing on the disk, allowing a player to go to, or experience any particular moment as a now-moment. Yes folks, this means that our lives are predetermined, but, and this is a big but, pun intended, we get to choose which sequence of now-moments we want to experience as a particular life-time, and we get to do this over and over and over again. Which channel sequence of our life are we experiencing now? Ponder that while I look for the Remote Control! : )
I and my Creator are One. 

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