Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Quote of the Week of February 13th 2011

There can be no order of difficulty in healing merely because all sickness is illusion. Is it harder to dispel the belief of the insane in a larger hallucination as opposed to a smaller one? Will he agree more quickly to the unreality of a louder voice he hears than to that of a softer one? Will he dismiss more easily a whispered demand to kill than a shout? And do the number of pitchforks the devils he sees carrying affect their credibility in his perception? His mind has categorized them all as real, and so they are all real to him. When he realizes they are all illusions they will disappear. And so it is with healing. The properties of illusions which seem to make them different are really irrelevant, for their properties are as illusory as they are.
Manual for Teachers, 8,5

Our belief in orders of difficulty is what causes us to perceive the illusory world of differences.  Truth like God is unchanging and therefore stable and constant, whereas illusions can only exist where there is instability, differences, and change, and therefore they exist nowhere in God’s creation since God’s creation is all that exist.  Truth gives rise to knowledge, while illusions give rise to perception, which implies a lack or loss of knowledge.  The fact that we do percieve illusions must mean that we are either not in God’s creation, asleep in God’s creation, or in God’s creation but not in our “right” mind, i.e. insane.  Since we obviously do exist, we must be in God’s creation, for there is no other place we can be, so we must either be asleep or insane.  I posit that these states are essentially the same.  

Those asleep have two important things in common with the insane: they both believe in the illusions they perceive, and the purpose behind their use of illusions is identical—they both desire to have Truth be false, and false be True.  The asleep and the insane, like tempetious children, want to have their way, have the world bend to their desires.  They wish to remake creation in their own image, to change God’s creation into their own.  This causes them to feel a deep sense of guilt, which in turn leads to fear of retribution, which in turn leads to the need to escape.  And where would one hide form the Creator of all creation?  

The only place where God and Truth cannot enter is the world of illusions, the nowhere that holds nothing, and exist only in the imagination of those asleep or insane.  In this nowhere place we hide from the imagined wrath of God, and here create our insane dream world in a dream-time and dream-space.  Motivated by our need to escape we created our insane dream world based on orders of difficulty, differences and contrasts as opposed to God’s world of oneness.  In our illusiory world we use our senses to validate and verify the “reality” of our world to our split or ego-minds through perception.  If we did not believe in orders of difficulty, we would have no need for perception, for knowledge would surfice.  But here in our created world of insane dreams, a world based not on truth, but on perception, our senses report to our ego-mind the differnces in what they perceive, which only further convince us that our belief in orders of difficulty is true. 

Our sense, for example, report that a button certainly appears bigger and more complex than a castle, so our ego-mind concludes that it takes more resources, time, and energy to create the castle.  This is typically the way we validate our believe in the concept of orders of difficulty.  The same kind of thinking is applied to healing, for we perceive cancer as much more difficult to heal than a common cold.  And this is the point of this week’s quote, that they are all illusions, the cancer and the cold, the castle and the button, all are part of our insane dream world illusion, in which one form of unreality is equal to any other form of unreality, appearances notwithstanding.  

In the world of Truth—in God’s creation where all is one, and outside of which there is nothing, illusions disappear like darkness in the presence of light, and truth alone remains.  Here orders of difficulty do not exist; it is just as easy to heal a cold as it is to heal a cancer; it is just as easy to create a button as it is to create a castle, for here knowledge rules, not perception.  Here oneness prevades differences, which are known only as superfical transformations of the one universal underlying truth—LOVE.  And it is here in God’s world that the son of God slumbers, believing himself to be in his insane dream world of orders of difficulty, differences and contrasts.  And it is from this dream world he will awaken when he comes to know his Father as he really is and remembers his identity and oneness with Him.   

And when he remembers his true identity here in his dream world, the son of God will realize he has no need to fear retrebution, for his Father is Love itself.  With fear gone, guilt soon follows and now the holy guiltless son of God having no more need to “hide” in illusions from his Farther, steeps away form all illusions and awakens to find himself in Heaven, resting safely and peacefully in God’s loving arms, which he never left.

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