April 30th 2014 Lesson 3
I do not understand anything I see in this room [on this street, from this window, in this place].
The instructions for the application of today's idea is the same as yesterdays, and are repeated here. The only general rules to be observed throughout, are: First, that the exercises be practiced with great specificity, as will be indicated. This will help you to generalize the ideas involved to every situation in which you find yourself, and to everyone and everything in it. Second, be sure that you do not decide for yourself that there are some people, situations or things to which the ideas are inapplicable. This will interfere with the transfer of training. The very nature of true perception is that it has no limits. It is the opposite of the way you see now.
- Intention: To look at ordinary, everyday things differently and extend this new vision to include everyone and everything, without exception.
- Practice: Twice daily, morning and evening, and only for a minute or so, comfortably and leisurely, slowly look around you and apply today's lesson randomly to whatever you see around you, for example:I do not understand this table.I do not understand this chair.I do not understand this hand. ... etc.
Then looking further away from your immediate area and apply the idea to a wider range:
I do not understand this door.I do not understand that body.I do not understand that sign. ... etc..
- Application: Notice how the simple application of today's idea subtly changes how we feel towards the things we apply it to. Do not attempt to apply it to everything you see, but do not specifically excluded anything on the basis of how important it is to you, its size, color, brightness, etc., simply choose whatever item you happen to see.
- This ...
I and my Creator are One.